Mavericks Finder keeps crashing!
Since upgrading to Mavericks the finder crashes. Pop up box appears briefly, doesn't not show drives or menu bar. Any suggestions?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
Since upgrading to Mavericks the finder crashes. Pop up box appears briefly, doesn't not show drives or menu bar. Any suggestions?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
Please determine if the crashes continue to occur in "Safe Mode":
Reply with the results of the above.
Started having this problem this morning just after I upgraded my GD storage to 100gb, not sure if that is relevant.
removing the Google Drive Status icon preference seems to have worked for me as well. This was totally tanking my ability to watch any video full screen as well as causing the Finder window to constantly crash, flash, reopen, etc.
This just started happening last night, and started out of nowhere. I've been using Mavs for WEEKS, and this was really strange. The Finder FC was nearly non-stop and constant. since tweaking the GD setting, it hasent happened. Here's to hoping that its resolved for now. Hopefully, Google will come out with an update quickly. If not, then I'm not putting the setting back...
Great job to those who found the problem and suggested a fix!
Yes, same problem with crashing Finder. Google Drive was the culprit!
Thank you fwmaietta, disabling the sync status worked for me perfectly.
I was also having this issue this morning. I unchecked the "Show file sync status icons" box from Google Drive and have been crash free so far.
Absolutely solves the problem! Good catch, Dave. I was going nuts...
➕ disabling the sync status worked for me too. cheers. 🙂
This fixed the issue on my Mac, thanks for pointing out that thread!
So far it seems to be working. Thank you very much.
removing the plist and restarting worked for me.
Perfect, turning off the Google Drive option did the trick for me and stopped the Finder from crashing every couple of seconds. Thank you for the hint!
Google drive appears to be crashing finders. If you are using Google drive, disable it and see if it helps.
Hit the issue after installing Mavericks. Actually I had it REALLY BAD. To the point where it even was walking me through the setup assistant - that was scary.
More importantly it was crashing SO much I couldn't even open a finder window to remove stuff.
First thing I did I was disable google drive (was installed but never used it). Didn't fix it.
Booted into safe mode (which made the whole system work just fine), and went through and pulled out the finder plist. Also removed stuff from startup window in System prefs. Booted back to normal: still busted.
Noticed there were a few MacAppStore apps still booting and started closing them. When I quit "Price Drop Monitor" (an app for tracking Amazon price drops) and suddenly the crash loop stopped.
Thought it was totally fixed, but did get a bunch of crashes early this morning while showering, but the loop stopped before I noticed and seemed to be fine. So I went in and deleted all files in the Library/LaunchAgents, Library/LaunchDaemons and Library/StartupItems folders.
So far everything seems fine. But holy crap was that not a great first run experience. I just got a new rMBP which is running Mavericks just fine. But if this had been my only system I'd have been pretty crazy. Not to mention some of the crappier aspects of Mavericks such as the loss of 3rd-party plugin support in Quicktime.
I had the same issue. I contacted Apple and they told me about a misc file crated by Google in Google Drive App but I couldn't find it. The person particularly mentioned not to uninstall the Google Drive App but just quitting/disabling it. This solved my problem but I still want to figure out where that file is so I can remove it.
Looks like Google has fixed the problem as of Nov 5. You need to get Google Drive updated if isn't already or restart Google Drive:!category-topic/drive/report-a-problem/k qdqmoMWtk8
Mavericks Finder keeps crashing!