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I hate the new tags in Mavericks, need coloured folders!!

Is there a way to return the colour folders when using the new tags like the old behavior of labels? These new circle thingees are too small and barely noticable.

OS X Mavericks (10.9)

Posted on Oct 23, 2013 6:45 PM

1,803 replies

Nov 1, 2013 4:49 PM in response to Wizard_Magic_Spell

Wizard_Magic_Spell wrote:

We should not have to rely on third-party software for something that should already be included in Mavericks.


But, other than a half a dozen of you here, out of the many millions who have downloaded Mavericks, I don't see much complaining. There have always and will always be third-party alternatives. Apple may well be just trimming the fat off OSXs from some old features that are rarely used. They have dropped such things as 'Bounce Mail' and changed the habits of 'Save As' and replaced Spaces and Expose with Mission Control and are still having their new OSXs downloaded at record rates.

Those who do not care for change have the option to return to their previously loved OSX through their backup or simply not download the new OSX. But any new computers purshased will have the latest OSX on them, as has forever been the case.

All you can do is give feedback to Apple, but with the very little demand for old features as this, I would not be holding your breath.



Nov 1, 2013 5:29 PM in response to petermac87

Pete, I warn you, this is a pet peeve of mine. Don't tell me that a feature dear to me is merely "fat" to be trimmed away. Clearly, many people used labels the say I did. Specifically, creative professionals. Do you have anything helpful to add, or do you just want to get on a high horse and lecture us all that we must buck up and get with the new and "better" way or stay on ML and be stuck in the stone age forever?

How would YOU feel if something that you relied on was yanked away? Would you maybe think that you had the right to find out if others feel the same way as you and to send feedback, and if enough people are of the same opinion, to have the feature possibly restored? Yeah, sounds reasonable? OK then!

Yes, I get it, it's Apple might not fix this. Did you read my posts? I acknolwedge this. You seem to tell me as though it is new information. Look around. This is the place to be to get things changed. THIS is the place to find other people who feel the same and send feedback to Apple.

You can't just apply this "oh well, Apple changed it and it's no use trying to fight it now.." attitude to everything. Apple can and does respond to feedback and feature requests.

It is my hope that this will become one of those accesability features that everyone uses, despite not having any disability. Like, the option to turn off the paralax effect and other motion effects on iOS 7- yes, a few people needed it in order not to feel nausesus.. but I've heard many people say they used it just because of preference.

Maybe this is different. Maybe labels really are gone for good. Maybe this is symptomatic of Apple in general abandoning the very users who invested in it in the 90s.. the creatives, the different-thinkers, in favor of the more profitable masses. Maybe something else will come along to fill that niche. Or maybe not, I don't know! But I do know that I don't need you telling me "Those who do not care for change have the option to return to their previously loved OSX through their backup or simply not download the new OSX." because that's pretty much just a passive-aggressive "nice" way of saying "tough beans. if you don't like it, just stay behind and don't complain."

petermac87 wrote:

But, other than a half a dozen of you here, out of the many millions who have downloaded Mavericks, I don't see much complaining. There have always and will always be third-party alternatives. Apple may well be just trimming the fat off OSXs from some old features that are rarely used. They have dropped such things as 'Bounce Mail' and changed the habits of 'Save As' and replaced Spaces and Expose with Mission Control and are still having their new OSXs downloaded at record rates.

Those who do not care for change have the option to return to their previously loved OSX through their backup or simply not download the new OSX. But any new computers purshased will have the latest OSX on them, as has forever been the case.

All you can do is give feedback to Apple, but with the very little demand for old features as this, I would not be holding your breath.



Nov 1, 2013 5:45 PM in response to Laralyn10

Do you seriously believe that Apple wish to remain in the 90's? There are but a handful of you moaning this lost feature. As mentioned, there will be third party apps around that will do what you want, but all OSs move on and leave the old defunct features behind. Happens every upgrade. This time it is simply something dear to you and a handful of others. Next time it might be me!



Nov 1, 2013 5:50 PM in response to Laralyn10

Laralyn10 wrote:

Look around. This is the place to be to get things changed. THIS is the place to find other people who feel the same and send feedback to Apple.

No it is not. It is a troubleshooting forum. You will find only the few having problems here. Not the millions who don't. Apple would rarely, if ever, visit these forums. Their feedback site is the place to complain. These forums are meant for users to help each other sort out problems. They are not meant as some sort of petition and venting place.



Nov 1, 2013 6:20 PM in response to petermac87

lol. That's why I added "and send feedback to Apple"

I'm well aware that apple doesn't read all these forum. But whenever I read about Apple fixing something from user feedback- discussions on these very forums are usually cited as the starting point.

Of course, all elefants are grey but not everything that is grey is an elefant- ie just because something is on this forum doesn't mean Apple will change anything.

Do you seriously believe that Apple wish to remain in the 90's?

Did you seriously think that that's what I meant?

Do you seriously believe that this way of framing a sentence isnt a just passive aggresssive way of saying "ha you're wrong!"..?

No, I did not seriously think that. I'm merely noting that while Apple used to be the under-dog catering to a niche market of a certain kind of customer.. they are now "the man" more than maybe they'd like to be. Maybe in another decade or so, Apple will be the new microsoft, and all the hip young kids will be backing a new under-dog. Notice how I use the word maybe a lot? It's because I don't presume to know. It was just a flight of fancy. I certainly don't think changing labels to a little dot on the right is gonna be the straw that broke the camels back.

I find it revealing how you said "Those who do not care for change have the option to..."

It's not just "those who prefer labels" or "those who don't like THIS particular change".. no.. it's people who don't like change overall. The implication is that they're inflexible and rigid and unable to adapt. As if you don't like tags, something must be wrong with you.

Why are you posting on a forum about an issue you don't even care about, trying to convince those who are upset by this issue that they are bad people for not liking a particular change and then being nit-pick-y about the official purpose of this forum? You think we're just here "venting" and not "helping each other sort out a problem"? That's exactly what were doing. Helping each other solve a shared problem.


petermac87 wrote:

Laralyn10 wrote:

Look around. This is the place to be to get things changed. THIS is the place to find other people who feel the same and send feedback to Apple.

No it is not. It is a troubleshooting forum. You will find only the few having problems here. Not the millions who don't. Apple would rarely, if ever, visit these forums. Their feedback site is the place to complain. These forums are meant for users to help each other sort out problems. They are not meant as some sort of petition and venting place.



Nov 1, 2013 8:11 PM in response to Laralyn10

Peter, Peter..

Calm down! There are certainly more than half a dozen people who are commenting n the Tags v Labels. And as a Support site, several have given options to us. You have given nothing but kicking-up dust. You have your opinion, but so do the rest of us. Just accept a lot of us don't like the tags and move on rather than indirectly degrading the group in general. I am not getting into a frey with you, that is and never was the intent of this support site. If your were a Level IV Apple tech, you might have some say, but for now, lets just be nice to each other? And, if you look around the web, hundreds of users are starting to speak oput about the Tags. Whether Apple changes it or not is not the issue. We all are trying to find a way to get a work-around. If you have one, contribute to us all your knowledge? For me, thanks to someone here, I find Path Finder suits my desires. Let the others speak freely as each has an opinion or free thought and not discourage people exchanging ideas for fear of comments degrading them. Peace back to you!🙂

Nov 1, 2013 8:17 PM in response to petermac87


i think you are trolling here but i will make an attempt to explain something.

the effort for many of us on this post is to encourage apple not to lose focus - and certainly not do to away with - features that are mission critical items for many of us power users. you may consider yourself a power user but as such you would have to allow for the fact that other leverage the power of a computer in ways that optimize their workflow different to yours.

i would also not attempt to diminish the need to retain this functionality simply due to the number of posters to the thread. there will be ten times that amount at least if not more who google the issue and then move along with other third party apps or by starting other threads on other forums etc, etc.

this is a critical workflow optimization tool that has been around since the beginning of time. if it /looks/ dated it simply needs a visual freshup (for instance the option to add one's own customized colors. if added i would be using the very light pastel palette available in numbers for filling cells - which by the way fulfills exactly the same function for me that the colors do in finder - being able to both quickly find things and to quickly and comprehensively assess completion or accuracy.

i do $500,000 - $1,000,000,000 800 row spreadsheets and if they took away the ability to COLOR cells i am sure i would be making $50,000 dollar (or more) mistakes. this is effectively the scenario i find myself in when i use Finder and i would hardly think that this is either a trivial need or that the number of poster to this thread is indicative of anything except power users that know how to optimize their system usage.

also, from what i can tell - tags are implemented /because/ they are power user type functionality and the fact that they used colored tags for this functionality simply reinforces the need for us to be able to color files and folders. i have no problem with a color freshup and making the tags slightly more hep for the 2000-teens but putting tags in place of this functionality misses the fact that they are used for /visual/ recognition and not simply for some sort/tag functionality.

hopefully jony and the crew are listening and are sympathetic - notwithstanding your opinion.

peace out

Nov 1, 2013 8:28 PM in response to hotwheels22

here's my 2 cents to apple:


i came back to mac after many years on Windows and all the time i was on this OS i missed the ability to color tag my files and folders which i used to do on my first purchase of a laptop which was the first laptop mac ever made.

please understand that while i can see this functionality needing a 'freshup' in terms of perhaps user selectable colors and slightly more "hep" and just slightly less rounded oval ends - this functionality is for VISUAL RECOGNITION and as such is not replaced by tagging (which also nicely comes with colors).

i could talk at length about this but i am in design and construction and i am doing a very long and involved spreadsheet at the moment. if you took away the ability for me to FILL COLOR my cells i would be totally lost in this spreadsheet with all kinds of negative short and long term consequences.

also, while i upgraded on the laptop i did not upgrade on the mac pro (thankfully) because i cannot upgrade beyond lion. and losing this functionality means that i have no need to buy a new mac pro since the purpose of this was solely to match OS's and i definitely cannot take away colored labels from the data on my desktop. instead i will either remain on Lion with the old mac pro or i will wait to see what happens with this mission critical functionality in future releases before purchasing again.

love the products and also love the direction of iOS7 etcetera.


Nov 1, 2013 9:33 PM in response to Madashelluphere

I am also disappointed the labels are gone. I am a student and I used them to keep folders organized visually. There needs to be an option to turn that back on as the "update" takes away the functionality of it. The only reason I updated was that I was forced to: icloud stopped working immediately after the update came out.

It would be even better if the folder colors themselves could be changed instead of only having blue. This is not out of aesthetic concerns but again, the functionality that was lost. It seems like apple is more concerned about aesthetics than functionality here.

Nov 1, 2013 9:59 PM in response to dkvl20fgdvd2

Functionality is exactly the reason we are unhappy with Tags. I think they are insignificant spots rather than functional colours. But even the spots I might live with if Tags were not toggle buttons.

I don't like the way I have to remove a colour rather than changing it, so it's a two step process to change a folder or file to the next work process colour.

I used Labels as a visual indication of the logical progression of working through files in set processes so things are not missed. Labels were my life. Tags are my terror.

Nov 1, 2013 10:28 PM in response to lclcv


I suspect that this has already been mentioned but I've come in at the end of this discussion, but why don't you just change the Icon or Colour of the icon. It is a simple process and is easily achieved in Mavericks without any extra software. I grant that the process is not as easy as it was before but it can still be easily achived. I changed the colour of my documents folder as below. Once you've done this a few times you'll have a stock of colours you can just drop on any folder you want.

I'll write up the steps if anyone wants..



User uploaded file

Nov 1, 2013 11:35 PM in response to Ryn-Carmichael

Perhaps you have not read all the previous posts on this subject so have unfortunately missed the point.

It is not to do with the [now] missing ability to easily colour an icon or folder. It is to do with not having the ability to easily colour, or highlight, the files contained within the folder. Sounds like a very small point, but for us that simple function is the one that we have now had taken away by Apple in their wisdom.

Nov 2, 2013 1:25 AM in response to Ryn-Carmichael

Hi, I would like to know how to colour the folders.

I was considering getting old operating system back. Thanks to the person who posted up how to do that, but its a bit much for me as Im not a techy at all. Which is disappointing for me!

So maybe I can suffice with coloured folders, not that I like the stark white background, I find it harsh on my eyes, but it would be better than nothing


I hate the new tags in Mavericks, need coloured folders!!

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