Some one can make a script for that (all command are su ) :
serveradmin command afp:command = getConnectedUsers
We list all users (in this sample only me):
afp:timeStamp = "2014-06-10 22:54:31 +0200"
afp:usersArray:_array_index:0:flags = 1
afp:usersArray:_array_index:0:serviceType = "afp"
afp:usersArray:_array_index:0:sessionID = 8
afp:usersArray:_array_index:0:name = "admin"
afp:usersArray:_array_index:0:sessionType = "tcp"
afp:usersArray:_array_index:0:state = 1
afp:usersArray:_array_index:0:disconnectID = 0
afp:usersArray:_array_index:0:ipAddress = ""
afp:usersArray:_array_index:0:lastUseElapsedTime = 55
afp:usersArray:_array_index:0:loginElapsedTime = 56
afp:usersArray:_array_index:0:minsToDisconnect = 0
afp:timerID = 1
serveradmin command
afp:command = disconnectUsers
afp:message = You are disconnected
afp:minutes = 0
afp:sessionIDsArray:_array_index:0 = sessionIDXXX
then CTRL+D
XXX must be sessionID result from first command, in the above sample :
afp:usersArray:_array_index:0:sessionID = 8
Then the command :
afp:sessionIDsArray:_array_index:0 = sessionID8
And just need how find only "idle/disleep" users.
I think a launch (cron) plist who check every 5 minutes for "sleep/..." and disconnect theses users ?
I know, when a users have a sleep connection on the server and connect to another computer with another IP, Mail Crash, Firefox crash, AddressBook crash, Safari crash. .. the mac become just a screen 🙂