Runtime error R6034
I've just tried taking the latest itunes update, it failed now I get runtime error message R6034 and cannot get into itunes at all?? Please help
I've just tried taking the latest itunes update, it failed now I get runtime error message R6034 and cannot get into itunes at all?? Please help
You're welcome. 🙂
Just registered to say "Thank you" for posting these steps. You've ended a nightmare!
You're welcome. 🙂
This fix worked for me too. Thanks. But a quick question - was my itunes playlists restored because it is stored in a completely different location?
Anne_in_VA wrote:
This fix worked for me too. Thanks. But a quick question - was my itunes playlists restored because it is stored in a completely different location?
The iTunes library and playlists should always survive an unpgrade or the complete removal of all components and reinstalling. In the unlikely event of problems see Empty/corrupt iTunes library after upgrade/crash.
OMG! Thank you turingtest2!!! You solved my nightmare with the new update for itunes. =D
You're welcome. 🙂
Bravo, TT2.
You're welcome. 🙂
Those still having trouble should now refer to:
Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates
I don't know if I'm the only one having this issue......Thanks to tt2 🙂 i completed all steps in order to remove apple products and downloaded the latest version for my Win8 x64 computer. The installer begins (I ran as admin), I am able to select the default file location/shortcuts, upon clicking next a screen immediately appears indicating the following:
Errors occured during installation before iTunes could be configured. Your system has not been modified. To complete the installation, run the installer again.
Try again from the second box in Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates. If/when you get stuck please let me know where you get up to and the exact text of any error messages.
Luckily, I was able to remove all (even Apple Mobile Device) without issue. I've triple-checked that none of the folders exist any longer (per the seoncd box in the other post - thanks for that post btw). No issue downloading the latest version x64. As I mentioned the itunes installer begins, I am able to click through the screen with the install location and shortcut preferences, as soon as I click the "install" button on that screen the next window indicates the error as I mentioned:
Errors occured during installation before iTunes could be configured. Your system has not been modified. To complete the installation, run the installer again.
Click finish to exit the installer.
The only option available is to click finish and the installer closes.
Thanks, please see b noir's post Standalone Apple Application Support install for a download link and additional advice to mine.
Could you download and install WinRAR if you don't already have it, then use it to unpack the components of the iTunesSetup64.exe file. I suggest extracting to the root of the C:\drive so it will be easy to locate them later if we want to try to generate log files. The components should be installed in alphabetical order with the exception of SetupAdmin and iCloud64. (I haven't had a chance to check but in the 32bit installer the iCloud component is for Vista only).
Please note down any error messages as they occur.
Upon extracting the downloaded iTunes installer, this error occured:
! C:\...\iTunes64Setup(1).exe: The archive is corrupt
I re-downloaded the latest ( x64) and extracted, no errors, installation completed sucessfully. Odd.
I cannot thank turingtest2 enough for the help!!!!
You're welcome. 🙂
Another variation on this theme...
Runtime error R6034