Runtime error R6034
I've just tried taking the latest itunes update, it failed now I get runtime error message R6034 and cannot get into itunes at all?? Please help
I've just tried taking the latest itunes update, it failed now I get runtime error message R6034 and cannot get into itunes at all?? Please help
how u fix that error r6034
Finally have itunes installed. Thank you for your assistance.
If anyone else has trouble re-installing i used the following link, 869ff/
with thanks to BeybladeFanShogun2014
Thanks for all your help! Was up way too late last night trying to figure this out. So revisited it today and saw your solution and worked like a charm!
You're awesome!!!
Did all this and still nothing!
This seems a bit of a winding road and my apologies if Ive missed something in hear. turing could you pls confirm:
- the basic process is set out here:
- if errors just go to next step
What Id like to also know is:
- my music files are all outside iTunes (FLAC library etc) obviouly they wont be affected
- Ive copy the contents of iTunes (for the xml mainly) - I can use this to avoid reimporting all my songs / platlists?
- what about iPad backups sync etc?
What Id really like to know is:
- is the C+ Runtime actually messed up? will that affect any other pograms? does the reinstall fix that
- HOW ON EARTH does Apple let something out the door. Have they heard of testing
- given the huge inconvenience etc caused to everyone why is Apple doing nothing?
Some people have had to try the process more than once getting the old components completely cleaned out. The subsequent install has then been successful.
My issue is when I click the "Download Now" button on the iTunes site. When I do, a window appears indicating I "have chosen to open: iTunesSetup.exe" and it asks me to save the file...which I do. When I go to find it, it's not there. I've tried saving on my desktop, a "downloads" folder, all over. It's not saving on my system...or at least I can't find it. Help.
Clear your browser's cache and try again, or try a different browser.
Hello, it's three nights I'm trying to solve the problem. Now I'm definetely upset.
I did sever times all the described procedures here and here but I wasn't able to succesfully reinstall itunes. OK this is not the real problem, I can manage my ipod with a different software like Sharepod.
The real problem is that now each time I boot my pc I get that Runtime error R6034! Even with no Apple software installed, everything was succesfully uninstalled.
I tried to install a previous version of itunes, I tried "MS fix it" but with no result, I tried to clean the registry with CCleaner deleting all dead itunes, ipod, apple etc entries, no result.
Unfortunately I can't roll back my system to a previous restore point.
Now I want you to tell me how to get rid of that runtime error, no matter to reinstall any apple software. I want my XP back working correctly.
Thank you.
Hmm. I found I had one error following the reboot. I installed iTunes and it has since worked just fine. If you're getting that error with iTunes uninstalled then which application is referred to in the error message?
I wish I had a solid answer for you, but I'm just a fellow user sharing what I have found through research, and trial & error.
A tool you might find useful is Autoruns. I've used in the past to selectively disable troublesome startup items.
Unfortunately the window doesn't show the application, i see "Program: C:\Programm..." (my pc is in Italian, I have a folder named "Programmi" instead of "Program Files")
I checked the system events registry but didn't find any entry about that popup windows.
I checked msconfig but nothing appears to be "strange"
Obviously I'm not upset with you, sorry if I let you think so. I consider dishonorable that apple doesn't do anything to solve the problem they created.
Tomorrow I'll try Autoruns, now it's late and I'm too upset ... I'm considering to go with "format C:\ ".
Thank you for your suggestion.
Goodnight 😉
No worries. Did you check the Italian version of the support doc, it should list the correct localized folder names.
This list of services installed by iTunes might also be useful in trying to work out what to disable;
Absolutely spot on advice! Had exact same issue after updating i-tunes...worked perfectly! Thank You for your very helpful post
You're welcome. 🙂
Runtime error R6034