apple tv does not access iTunes - 4/17/2014
apple tv does not access iTunes - 4/17/2014
Apple TV (3rd generation)
apple tv does not access iTunes - 4/17/2014
Apple TV (3rd generation)
I'm experiencing this problem as well with a 1st gen Atv. It is accessing the Internet, but won't access movies, music or tv.
Hey George.
My details are as follows:
Same here. 1st Gen ATV.
Keeps redisplaying my movies but only showing My Movies and Trailers and a few other things. Restarting, reconnecting to the wireless and re-logging in to my itunes account has made no difference. From all the other posts it does indeed look like a server side issue 😟
Same problem here, cant playing anything from itunes results in a stuttery wired feed, most of the menu options have vanashed and its very unresponsive, pretty much unusable.
If it's a server issue, shouldn't disconnecting from the Internet eliminate the stuttering?
Has anyone tried the disconnecting idea that fastmarcJa suggested? I found this forum after I got to work, so I cant try it until tonight.
That would still only offer a part solution. Im just on the phone to apple support in the UK now
It would, one can hope, at least let you use it for stuff you have on the ATV harddrive. I had no problems seeing it in iTunes on my Mac and could sync to it just fine. So, as a temporary solution(assuming it works), you could sync anything and everything you would be interested in watching, then disconnect it from the internet.
Obviously not the greatest option, but if it lets videos play without pausing randomly in the middle like William Shatner, then it can at least be a nice reprieve.
Hi GeorgeVargas,
I noticed this issue about three days ago. A "Your iTunes account could not be accessed, a try again later" message was posted. Did nothing about it because I wasn't viewing purchased movies or music. I did notice, however, the screen shots of Netflix shows and movies title graphics were blank when scrolling through selections. The Netflix movies played with no issue but the menu graphics were out of whack.
I restarted Apple TV instead of resetting because of the hassle of reentering passwords for all channels.
After a restart all issues were resolved - graphics and access to all channels including iTunes movies and music.
I have a RFB APPLE TV-USA FD199LL/A and connect via WIFI.
As of the past thirty minutes all is connected and functional.
Hope this helps,
I've spoken to Apple support in the UK who were very polite on the phone, they have not have the influx of calls that they would expect with an issue if it was wild scale. We've done a restore over the phone and a few other bits, nothing has sorted it, the only thing left (which I have not tried is connecting to itunes via a USB cable) failing that he said it sounds like my ATV G1 is dead. I explained that it seems to be an issue that a few people seem to be experience and its happened at the same time but they was nothing else he could advice. It might be worth other people contacting phone support also as if they are made aware of the issue then it might be easier for them to sort a fix. Im outside of warranty but they helped me anyway when I explained it was widespread.
Thank you for the effort Elbartino.
Just to update anyone just joining:
The issue appears to have started yesterday for most of us and a day earlier for some but definitly this week. It appears to affect ATV generation 1 and as of this moment is still affecting my ATV generation 1. We are still waiting to hear from ATV generation 2 and 3 owners.
Apple has not recognized this issue as per at least two reports from users that were able to get phone support.
IrvBd has an ATV generation 3 and the issue seems to have been resolved for him.
Restart/Restore/rebuild/different computer/ does not resolve the issue.
Disconnecting the ATV from Internet access resolves the play back stuttering from content on the ATV hard drive and sluggish remote response BUT of course will stop you from having Internet access.
Connected to the Internet (via WIFI or Ethernet) or disconnected from the Internet, you still cannot connect to the iTunes Store. It seems we are being blocked somehow. Every continent except the North and South poles have checked in with the same problem.
Connected directly to your computer via Ethernet while disconnected from the Internet will allow your ATV to communicate with your iTunes application and will stream your content to your ATV.
Bottom line: Any attempt your ATV makes to get online (connect through the Internet to the iTunes Store) degrades play back, degrades remote control response, and disconnects your iTunes content from your ATV making the content on the ATV hard drive the only content accessible.
Just throwing in yet another user that is experiencing the problem. I tried to contact support yesterday but they just told me to come here (which I actually had before I contacted them). I also asked them if this was intentionally done or if it's just a temporary glitch. Unfortunately the support rep I talked with just deflected the question.
Considering it seems to be affecting only 1st and 2nd gen users, I'm inclined to believe that this is intentional. It certainly fits with Apple's tendency towards forced upgrades.
Good morning.
I am experiencing the same issue.
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Apple tv 3 gen
Apple tv software: 6.1 (says no new updates available)
Wired, not wifi
I have restarted iTunes, the Apple tv and the remainder of my system (multiple times), to no avail.
Thank you georgevargas for directing me to this feed. I am interested in any solutions the group may have to offer.
If this is an intentional ploy to get original purchasers of ATV to update then it is a joke. I have a rental movie on my box but cannot watch it as it needs to connect to iTunes to verify the rental. Very frustrated at the lack of help from apple or even acknowledgement of a problem. Technical support were less than helpful when I rang a short while ago, just the usual restarts and unplugs and resets. If anyone from apple reads this board sort it out!
My system is a 1st Generation 160gb Apple TV
Software Version 3.02
Wired Connection
Based in the UK
Same here in UAE/Abu Dhabi
ATV 1st gen
Internet/Youtube works
iTunes menu options have disappeared
really slow..
I hope this is just a glitch and not a discontinuation of ATV1 support...
Same here (Germany) .. first time experienced this with my ATV1(f/w 3.0.2) today.
- sluggish UI
- iTunes Store not accessible from ATV, just have access to the previews (and yes.. port 443 is open)
- local playback stuttering massively
- (after factory reset) .. after re-syncing with iTunes/PC it looks like the list of movies/series/.. in the main view on the ATV is coming and going.. flickering, scrolling/navigation impossible
Coincidently had to re-install my PC days ago and initially thought I had screwed up something with the iTunes install on the PC (hooked up with my ATV).
Spent more than half a day now (before reading this) trying to fix things, including multiple times (factory)re-setting my ATV.
Hey Apple.. some notification about some severe thing happening or what ever is currently going on would be very nice!
Btw.. every time I factory-resetted my ATV it seems to download stuff for an hour or so from Akamai.. although the ATV is not even assigned yet to an iTunes account or so. (wonder why..)
apple tv does not access iTunes - 4/17/2014