apple tv does not access iTunes - 4/17/2014
apple tv does not access iTunes - 4/17/2014
Apple TV (3rd generation)
apple tv does not access iTunes - 4/17/2014
Apple TV (3rd generation)
I'm experiencing this problem as well with a 1st gen Atv. It is accessing the Internet, but won't access movies, music or tv.
Hi - thought I would add to this ongoing post and obvious issue with Apple TV. While sitting with friends today in Bermuda - we discovered all three of us with first generation Apple TV units failed Thursday with exact same symptoms. Unable to access iTunes to download movies but YouTube works fine and stored movies appears unstable etc. this does appear a global fault with Apple - I await feedback from Apple. Interestingly one of my friends claims this evening that he had a message appear to download an upgrade which apparently has fixed the fault, I have yet to see this myself....
Same problem here. Started yesterday the 17th. I love my ATV 1. Hope this gets resolved soon!
Please let us know as much as possible about this update assuming it is for the ATV1. I have not seen it and hope that anyone else that has an update hit their ATV1 will tell us all about it.
Have been posting to till now but just wanted to register here too. ATV Gen 1, exact same symptoms, similar time. Sydney Australia.
Has anyone else been speaking with Apple Support? are they aware of the issue?
Toronto canada. 1st generation US AND Canadian iTunes accounts. Both are fried
Same here, I have also noticed my video is stuttering. Maybe a ploy to get us to buy a new Apple TV soon!!!!!
Same problem here in New Zealand with generation 1 ATV. Very frustrating! Whether this outcome was the intention of Apple or not, it's bad PR for a company that trades off it's image. I'll tell 10 firends who'll tell 10 friends .... Common sense would say they'll do something about it soon - we'll see.
Same here, and I have an ATV3 so I can reassure all that it's not just an ATV1 issue.
No access to iTunes or other apps (Netflix, Hulu) at all. When I did a restart, I was able to see "computers" and "settings" on the ATV screen for several minutes. Still no access to iTunes or other apps now showing up (Netflix, etc).
Seems to be an Apple server-wide issue; see if Apple comes out with a fix or announcement soon. I was hoping to rent a movie tonight -- guess I'll be switching to my Panasonic Smart Viera's stupid internet apps to watch Netflix. All apps on the Viera work.
I'm in Mexico with the same issues as pretty much everybody else.
Just recently (last few hours) videos from HDD are playing normally (not stuttering any more as it had been since 4/17), but still missing all the iTunes content.
Having exact same problems on ATV1 in Brooklyn, New York. Not that it matters—this is obviously a worldwide problem.
I've been waiting a year or so for an update to ATV. Hope this isn't a situation where Apple has discontinued support for their products. If this is the case, I will think twice about purchasing an new ATV.
But, withholding judgement. Maybe it is simply a glitch that Apple needs to work out.
Edit: is there anyway to disable wi-fi on the ATV unit so I can at least playback previous purchases without the stutter in the video? I undestand some people are disabling their internet connection, but that is not an option here.
Same problem here, 1st gen ATV. Even tried a "factory restore" and still the same issue: No iTunes Store content available at all. The submenu selections are not even there. I was just about to spend $$ on the new full season of Mad Men in HD for my wife to watch but I can't even give Apple my money! Please, Apple, take my money so my wife is happy!
ATV2 and just initialized a restart.... looks that it seems to work again here in Switzerland (at least having now access to Youtube, previews of any video as well as playing my music from ITunes Match, which was all not working before this restart). Didn't make any further system checks but at least some of these features/options seems to be now fine again... Hope it means that Apple is working on this very frustrating issue and that this problem will soon be solved for all of us.....
Same problem. First generation ATV. Started yesterday. Looks like this problem has been on the boards for nearly 36 hours.
Has anyone seen a response from Apple? Are they ignoring us? Has there even been a simple "we're aware of the problem and are looking into it" statement?
CS is closed at the moment, but I filed an online ticket and will try calling in the morning.
Same issue in Oregon with 1st gen ATV. Can access purchased movies/music, but can not connect to iTunes store.
Same problem here, I have 2 x Gen 1 Apple TVs, and they are both hosed!
one of them seemed to work reasonably well although no itunes connectivity,
but i made the mistake of restarting the device now both of my apple TVs have half of the menue's missing, Schizophrenic icons, lagging menu navigation, and stuttering playback,
nice one Apple, what the heck!
apple tv does not access iTunes - 4/17/2014