My response is not specifically to tt2, i just can't seem to navigate to the last page of the thread whilst remaining "signed in" Grrr!
Getting a bit "hissed" off with all the wierd quirks in the world according to apple!
This sorry saga continues into the next itteration of IOS.
I've just updated iTunes prior to installing IOS8 on my iPad Retina 4th gen Tablet.
The install went surprisingly far as I can currently tell, but I remain sceptical since they still have'nt managed to correct the miniscule problem which is causing the DEP exception.
This evening, I observed that my machine was using 1.56GB of RAM prior to iTunes being closed........
After closing iTunes RAM usage continued completely oblivious to the change until DEP intervened and it then took an instant dive to 0,936GB.
Proof, if any is needed that this software is poorly written and Apple have no intention of sorting it out.