Can I use my iPhone like using an iPod + Smart Phone
I need an iPhone and iPod. Do I need to buy them separately? Or I can just get an iPhone and use it like an iPod + Phone(Will the iPhone work with an ear plug)?
I need an iPhone and iPod. Do I need to buy them separately? Or I can just get an iPhone and use it like an iPod + Phone(Will the iPhone work with an ear plug)?
You're welcome. I personally prefer over the ear headsets, but its a personal preference. I currently use the Parrot Zik Bluetooth noise-reducing phones. I've also used earbuds including UltimateEars (which I really liked) Klipsch and Sennheiser (both almost as good as the UE). The Apple aren't bad, but they don't stay in my ear securely. All of these have a built in microphone and controls for it. If you receive a call the music automatically mutes and you can press a button to take the call, or double-press it to send the call to voicemail. The in-line control also has basic functions like pause, volume control, fast forward and rewind.
And welcome to the 21st century....
I Got my 77 year old mother an iPhone. I got her to use phone, text and email. She is storing contacts. But haven't convinced her to really use the phone as a tool or entertainment yet.
What else can you do?
pay your bills
transfer money (no need fot western union!)
check the TV guide
watch TV or video
take, edit and send photos
film, edit and send video
post to social media
monitor you home security system
find a hotel if you get stuck. (This is what convinced my Mom she wanted a smart phone. Stuck at the AirPort watching everyone else book rooms)
find end a new house
and so much more.........
Worth checking out if you are interested in noise cancelling.
TThe iPhone will do everything an ipod will do and so much more. No need to buy two devices. Just make sure that the iPhone you purchase has enough storage space to hold all the music you might want to load on it and still have room for other apps and data and, finally, have some free space for the iOS to run efficiently.
So, Bose, Sennheiser, Ultimate Ears, Beats, Parrot, Klipsch, or even B&W, Sony, which brands do you think have the better sound quality?
EDLIU wrote:
So, Bose, Sennheiser, Ultimate Ears, Beats, Parrot, Klipsch, or even B&W, Sony, which brands do you think have the better sound quality?
Everyone is going to have a different opinion as everyone's ears and tastes are different. You'll also need to balance price against what you like. I'd check sites that review audio equipment.
Aren't Bose and B&W suppose to be better? They have their own amplifiers and speakers?
EDLIU wrote:
Aren't Bose and B&W suppose to be better? They have their own amplifiers and speakers?
Again, it's preference. I have some Beats I like because they are very bass heavy. Other people might find that unpleasant. They were also expensive. Other people who might like them, might not like them enough to spend that much money.
Can I use my iPhone like using an iPod + Smart Phone