iPhone 5 hangs installing ios 7.1.2
Anyone else having issues? My iPhone has stalled at about 65%, not moving for the last 20 minutes. Just showing the white apple symbol and the white line at about 65%. Any suggestions?
Anyone else having issues? My iPhone has stalled at about 65%, not moving for the last 20 minutes. Just showing the white apple symbol and the white line at about 65%. Any suggestions?
Worked like a shot.
My phone was stuck up at 80%. One reboot and everything was fine within 5 minutes. Thanks Benbo.
This happened to me yesterday and after finding that the common solution was a reset I searched for an alternate option which didn't require whipping my phone. So I just waited until it ran out of battery and voila, of course sometimes you need your phone a lot but if it's possible for you I found that after battery drain and recharge it turns on just like any other time and the software says it is the newest version.
hope this helps
thanks... I was stuck at about 40%. Didn't realise how long but it was a couple of hours.
I finally got around to updating my iPhone 5 to iOS 7.1.2 -- did this with my wife's iPhone 5 as well last month (except her Sleep/Wake button worked at the time).
Well, the Sleep/Wake + Home button might be a great solution but the Sleep/Wake button on my phone is not working (I am going to Apple Store about the replacement program).
Fortunately I had just backed up by iPhone data on iTunes prior to the iOS update (even though I have iCloud backup automatically).
I had to plug the phone in and connect to iTunes. Restore to factory setting and Backup to Restore.
Everything is all good. 7.1.2 is on the phone and all data and apps restored.
iPhone 5 hangs installing ios 7.1.2