My experience was not nearly as bad as some, but there were some problems with my attempt to update to the 2.9 firmware on my 11" mid-2011 Macbook Air. The update appeared in App Store/Software Update, so naturally, having some down time, I went ahead and installed it. The update appeared to install and then the computer rebooted. After coming back up App Store opened and still showed that the 2.9 update needed to be installed, but also listed it right below in the list of already installed software. Against my better judgement, I clicked update again, and the same thing happened, only now there are two instances listed as installed, with one still needing to be installed. I finally went to Apple's pages on the update...
MacBook Air EFI Firmware Update 2.9
EFI and SMC firmware updates for Intel-based Macs
...and there is where I found what Loner T said above, that the update should only be applied over the following firmware versions:
- 0077.00
- 0077.08
- 0077.0E
- 0077.0F
Even this listing is incorrect according to Apple's other document. None of the firmware versions end in a two digit number, although granted they all start with the same letter "B". So the correct listing, based on what System Information says would be...
- 0077.B00
- 0077.B08
- 0077.B0E
- 0077.B0F
It doesn't even have this list in the update description in App Store. Usually, if an update doesn't apply to your computer, it doesn't show up. In this case Apple expects people to go look for a support article and figure out how to find the current firmware version, but then it's probably too late. My firmware version is MBA41.0077.B0F which I can't find any other reference to in Apple's support but with the "B" is the last one in the list. They list MBA41.0077.B11 (EFI 2.9) as the current (2.9) version for the mid-2011 MBA...if it applies. Even more annoying, there is no way to hide the update, so I'll forever have the (1) showing on the App Store icon unless the update gets fixed.
Apple borked this update, so if you haven't updated yet, wait for 2.9.1.