IOS 8 won't sync music with itunes
After updating to IOS 8 on my Iphone 5, all of my music was removed. I tried resyncing it with Itunes - however once completed no new music has gone across.
Anyone know how to fix this??
iPhone 5, iOS 8
After updating to IOS 8 on my Iphone 5, all of my music was removed. I tried resyncing it with Itunes - however once completed no new music has gone across.
Anyone know how to fix this??
iPhone 5, iOS 8
Same isssue with my iphone 6 , called in support and they gave me some BS on makin a big playlist which did work then blamed my music folders , Someone at Apple needs to address this , its really annoying now
You do not need to erase the iPhone simply sink to your computer with a cable when it get stuck unplug it and plug it back in the sink will continue where it stopped. That is what I did and it worked for me.
Still need to get fixed by Apple but a faster work around.
I'm having the same issue as others described with my new iPhone 6. I've restored, reset, checked, unchecked, waited, etc., etc. Apple support hasn't provided an answer. First time I have had this kind of massive issue with upgrading either iOS or a phone. I think I'm going to try to do a clean restore and load everything individually per the post by Redmoskito. Very disappointing - I've always appreciated how slick the upgrade process has been on Apple devices. Hoping this will be solved in an update soon!
Anyone had better outcomes with syncing mown that iOS 8.0.2 is out?
Same for me, since IO8 install on my IPhone5, I cant add or remove playlist or song. It's look to be freeze in time 😟
I've tried all of these options to no avail. I then went to the Apple Store and a genius there suggested that I 'unsync' music from my phone while connected to iTunes, then re-sync the phone, which I did and it worked. For a day. I'm experiencing this issue again; however, I don't think OP and I are having the same issue. When I open the music app and select a song, if that song wasn't bought through iTunes, it will skip it automatically. If I try to shuffle all songs, my phone will skip past all songs that I downloaded from a source other than iTunes. If this is an anti-pirating measure, I guarantee all of my music is from a legitimate source, such as a physical CD or online download from an artist's bandcamp page. I'm flabbergasted and frustrated and I'm rather annoyed by the same routine solutions being sent out. I've done everything that I could think of and nothing has worked.
Well, my iPhone is still okay after the factory reset and unchecking the 'Convert to AAC 256'. So I guess I'm just lucky. Even managed to get a total of some 46 GB of music on it. Yesterday it went bad when I went above 52 GB, so I'm stopping here. So I now have only half the music I had on my 5S 64 GB, which I had filled completely with songs in AAC 256.
I'm not going to sync or back up the device again untill there is a fix for this. I hope that won't be such a long wait as for another syncing problem: with voice memo's. This problem occured first in 2010 and it still isn't fixed. View that discussion: voice memos not showing up in itunes
This has been driving me nuts but I just checked again after reading your comment and, yes, it is only syncing music bought from iTunes. All of the songs I've ripped from CDs or have created for my job are not syncing to the phone, although their names show up (greyed out). [iOS 8.0.2, iPhone 6, iTunes]
I was also having the issue where, after I cancelled the sync, only songs purchased in iTunes were showing up in the Music app. But the space taken up on the device was still the same as if my entire synced library was on it.
Has anyone gotten rid of the problem after the 8.0.2 update? I'm afraid to do it; if I reboot my iPhone and quite/restart iTunes before a sync it seems to be OK and I don't want to screw that up.
This helped me. I turned off sync music. Deleted the music from iPhone 6 in usage > manage storage and then... and it worked I was able to sync
Same problem with 8.0.2. I've done a restart, a restore, a hard restart, turning off automatic sync options, manual deletion and re-sync…same problem. It won't sync most of the 1,500 songs I didn't buy from the iTunes store.
I am having the same issue. And from what apple says its pretty wide spread. I can not believe it is not getting media attention like all of the other issues.
Initial sync goes fine, secondary and subsequent sync tend to wipe music out. I found that if I go in and try to play a song that is corrupt, it flags it and will repair it the next sync. But the it wipes out all of the other songs that haven't been flagged. So in essence I can never sync again, Or I can scan through and play every one of the 7,000+ songs to get them to fail before syncing. Both great options. I had worked with Apple on this for hours early this week. I sent logs over that they requested last night. Let's hope it it helps them isolate the issue and they get it fixed.
I Think I may have stumbled on a possible fix(well it worked for me, anyway)...
Since ios 8, there's been a handful of songs that simply refused to sync, no matter I did. I restored from a local backup, set up as a new phone and restored from an iCloud backup, restored via iTunes and OTA, but the same issue remained.
Somehow, I noticed during one of these, that the OS has iTunes Match turned on by default, even though I always have it turned off on my iPhone(iOS 7x honoured my setting from the backup).
When I updated to iOS 8.02 just now, via iTunes, the first thing I did(before any syncing took place), was to turn off the defaultly-turned on iTunes Match toggle. I then unchecked 'Manually manage music and videos' & 'Convert higher bit rate songs to 128kbps AAC' in iTunes, before syncing.
That seems to have fixed everything, as my entire checked library now syncs as before, when on iOS 7x.
WWas it luck? Possibly, but give it a try. YMMV.
So apparently iCloud back up and iTunes Match are turned on by default. Unchecking them did help some people. Anyone else found that this is the problem/solution?
ive figured it out..
in itunes wifi sync is checked
go to the phone handset and GENERAL --- ITUNES WIFI SYNC and SYNC NOW
worked for me
IOS 8 won't sync music with itunes