This "solution" takes forever and only works once.
As a test, I added one song to an existing playlist, and sync'd my iPad Air (iOS 8.0.2) with iTunes 11.4, but nothing happened with the music (new song was still missing from existing playlist).
I sync'd a second time, and it updated the album art for about 1500 of my 3000 songs (even though the album art never changed), then same problem...
I went to the playlist on the iPad Air, and the new song I added in iTunes was still missing, then played first song in playlist, and many but not all songs in the playlist were skipped past and disappeared as I tried to skip forward to play them. Not all the songs that remain are ones I purchased from iTunes, but this bug is absolutely terrible.
The playlist originally had 46 songs, so it should have had 47 after adding the new song in iTunes. Now, after trying to sync with iTunes there are 23 left... ***! I honestly hope all of Apple's software developers get fired and replaced with chimps who would be more competent.
This is a major problem, and I only noticed this happen after recently relabeling all the "Genre" fields for all of my 3000 songs to organize my library better, but not sure if this was happening before and just didn't notice.
I am really sick of Apple's garbage excuse for software... I can't even play my music properly on my $1,000 iPad Air, and $1,000 iPhone 6... absolute garbage.