iOS 8.2 does not solve the problem "calibration motion and distance" always active.
Disable "Physical activity detection" does not help.
After several phone calls to AppleCare and two talks at the Genius Bar, I came to the conclusion that this is a bug in iOS. List my recent experiences:
iOS 8.1.3 restored in DFU mode as "new iPhone."
-No Recovery backup.
-iCloud active.
-Upgrade applications in the background off.
-Weather with permits localization disabled.
-No Third-party application installed.
During the first cycle of the battery (100% to <15%) the localization had a normal behavior, is switched on and off depending on the use. Never been active continuously for more than a few minutes. After connecting the phone to the charger, after a while, already during the charge localization has remained fixed.
With iOS 8.2
iOS 8.2 restored in DFU mode as "new iPhone."
-No Recovery backup.
-iCloud active.
- "Physical activity detection" disabled.
This time the localization had a normal behavior for 2 cycles of the battery (the first from 100% to <20% and the second from 100% to <15%). When I started the third cycle (it was in charge the whole night in a "do not disturb") the bug has come back.
-The Bug does not appear during the first cycle of the battery after a restore.
-disable And reactivate "localization" temporarily solves the bug.
-disable And reactivate "update applications in the background" temporarily solves the bug.
-Restore Privacy settings and location temporarily fixes the bug.
-disable All system services except "calibration movement and distance" fixes the bug, but it is not a solution (the bug only occurs if "calibration movement and distance" and "common positions" are enabled).
-The Bug does not depend on third-party applications.
-The Bug does not depends on Weather or Health.
-disable "Update applications in the background" does not fix the bug (but seems somehow connected).
-The Sensor calibration procedure (leave the device connected to the charger 90 min in a horizontal position in do not disturb active) does not fix the bug.
I will hold off "calibration motion and distance" until Apple will fix the bug.
I'm sorry for my bad english, i used google translate.