Likewise recently purchased brand new Honda Civic 2015 EX model car, with same frustrations and more from pairing and connectivity issues. Have received more info from American Honda, Dealership, and response from Tech support here.
Personally myself no idea this issue has been going on since Sept. 24, 2014 since launch of the I phone 6, having nothing to do with just one specific brand car or cellular carrier. The compatibility issue is not listed on Manufacture sticker or spoken of during sales of vehicles, found out after purchased my vehicle in service bay day bought car after purchase.
American Honda Tech has a help attempt they will not share on sites or in writing it's not a guaranteed fix to issue, on a Honda LX model I phone 6 only worked during the 8.1, 8.2 updates stopped after the next two updates. Honda's interior info board in car difference between two models is only one thing the LX model has the added Honda Hands Link Navigation.
Above attempt to fix is only known by that tech department, it's not shared with dealership service departments or it's customer care department. Been informed by Apple Tech department even the resetting of the network setting in cell phone, will have no fix to blue tooth connection issues.
Honda Service department informed me that for a fix to be done in car, would take the manufacture sending a USB drive update out. Service Techs at dealerships would need to then plug into cars USB data plug to correct the interior INFO board. Still to this date has never been sent out, which has no current data to work with any smart phones updates that are commonly created to improve cell phones.
American Honda Tech has stated they are hoping the new 9.0 update fixes this issue, still with now work done by them to update the cars software to be compatible this has been going on since launch of I phone 6.
INFO Board- inside the car has features to only receive text messages, emails, Facebook and Twitter message. Connect also to Pandora radio along with sending and receiving calls. Bluetooth to work it will take the connection to all these functions for it to have non broken connection, INFO Board searches for all these to connect. Partially only connecting the Blue Tooth feature creates a partial connection, creating breakdown in numerous functions and lack of ability to maintain a hands free connection required while driving motor vehicle in multiple places and even cities.
Anyone can research and find more info on this none will make the issue better, in my case it made me even more mad to see the depth of this ongoing issue for such length of time.
Answers will be told to car purchasers that update is in works, they are aware of issue and apologize for inconvenience at the time nothing either can do at this time. All parties involved place where we purchase vehicles or companies that built them, even the manufacture of devices will accept it's one or all responsibility to correct issue. All parties that have personally spoke with have pointed finger at other, dealerships can't fix issue until manufacture releases a fix to be corrected in programming of data info board. Manufacture can't release until they either figure out the issue it's engineering teams, or purchase the updates released by Apple.
Until Apple is willing to share updates when info comes out for it's devices with auto industry with no charge, automobile manufactures aren't going to pay the expensive cost. Leaving customers still to this date since Sept. 24, 2014 when I pone 6 issues started, Honda America have standard recycling restarts to cell phones to correct issue, with several extra steps then what Apple Tech support offered.
Neither has a correction still at this time that works and neither will accept they have a customer service responsibility to provide a product that is working compatible functions it's offering in each own standard equipment.
Each will apologize for this still after three weeks of trying to find the solution, even after personally viewing reviews in Apples App for Hand Link Navigation system, that feature is even riddled with more issues that would not this in anyway. Having I phone 6 with 8.4 update installed, seeing it's not just brand of vehicles, can those responsible for fixing this has gone on long enough.
Hope we get fix soon.