How to turn off app badges for Twitter on iOS 8?
Ever since I've updated my phone I have been getting an app badage for Twitter and the switch to turn it off is gone.
iPhone 5, iOS 8
Ever since I've updated my phone I have been getting an app badage for Twitter and the switch to turn it off is gone.
iPhone 5, iOS 8
I actually just had the badge toggle come back briefly, disappear again, and then come back. Here's what I did to make it come back when it vanished. (In case it matters, I swipe-up close Settings and Twitter whenever I switch between them.)
Unfortunately, for me anyway, the badge toggle will disappear again when I open Twitter. It doesn't seem to matter which account I have open when I close or reopen the app. Just opening Twitter again is enough to make the toggle disappear.
Haven't had a badge pop up while I still had the toggle visible (and it's almost 3 am for me now, so I'm not going to wait up any longer ^_^), so I can't say whether weird stuff (like meaningless badge numbers) still happens when the toggle is visible, but maybe the above will help someone else track down the source of the problem.
This method works for me so far! Thanks!
I'd add only one thing: I needed to kill (drop out of multitasking view) Twitter before doing step 2.
Restarting the iOS device makes the switch disappear again. 😟
I found if I turned Notifications off, uninstalled Twitter, reinstalled it, then the badges setting cam back - but not right way. Weird.
After an update to the Twitter app yesterday on my phone the badges setting appeared without restarting iOS. After restarting, the badges setting was once again gone; problem persists in Twitter 6.18, iOS 8.1.1 on non-jailbroken iPhone 6.
Yes, this works.
Booo. Have a seat. YOU ARE NOT HELPING. Isn't it obvious?
Some people in here are ridicolous by stating stuff like it's your phone etc. I am a user that's always upgrades to the latest soffware and I normally never have any issues.
However this notficaction bug is REAL and must be an issue with Twitter and ios 8 since most of my other apps work fine. I have a brand new iPad air 2 and iPhone 6 and set them up as new and done all other possible tricks and it will not work. I don't even get notifcations at all from Twitter and I have the badge icon option also missing from settings. It's been like this for a 1-2 months and it's insane. Twitter is my main source of information.
If you do use Twitter a ton, I suggest you buy TweetBot. It's 5x better than the stock app. Well worth the cost. You'll still need the Twitter app though, if you use Secure Login verifications, unless you just use text messaging for that. That's why I want to get this fixed, since that's the only reason I still use the stock app.
Until then, we all have to keep waiting until this is fixed.
Thanks for your reply and suggestion
I am actually using tweet bot at the moment but just for the notifications. Believe it or not I for some strange reason prefer the stock app and they need to fix this stuff. Generally speaking developers need to speed up their work. Its been 3 months since ios 8 got released and the majority of the apps don't even support the iPhone 6 screen yet (LinkedIn, PayPal, e-bay, my banking app etc) or just got updated recently (Netflix, amazon, youtube etc).
Twitter ironicaly was one of the first app that supported the new screen resolutions of the iPhone 6 but broke the **** notifications in the process. For 2-3 Months they have not been working properly, it's crazy. I have this suspicion it might have somehing to do with the ios build in Twitter support, total guess tho.
This worked for me! First I tried turning off notifications like veryscaryrobot said but got the same results with the badge app icon disappearing again shortly after. But by turning off notifications then deleting the app and reinstalling, the options seems to be back and don't disappear after restarting my phone.
Cheers to everyone contributing something constructive towards finding a solution. Thumbs down to those who dismiss the situation and only have something negative to say.
Sorry to disappoint you, but it works only for a short time. After a few hours, it reverts to the missing switch.
Yes, mine has reverted back too, to no badge setting. Still broken.
I am not new to Apple, iOS or Technology. I can confirm tried almost everything in this thread. From factory reset, deleting the app, etc etc.
Running an iPad Air 2 and I am convinced it is both isolated to twitter and also a very clear bug. Everything on my device is updated as of today 12.29.14 and there is no way to turn off the badge icon.
The badge icon consistently repeats the same badges as well after the notifications have been checked.
Pretty close to just removing the app.
It's been a whole week now for me and my badge app icon toggle is still there. So this definitely worked for me and continues to hold up. Good luck to everyone else searching for a solution!
How to turn off app badges for Twitter on iOS 8?