After IOS 8 Upgrade my movie icons disappear
This is on my first edition iPad Mini.
This is on my first edition iPad Mini.
I have a similar problem with both my iPad Air and iPhone 4S. After upgrading to iOS 8, the icons for five of my home videos disappeared. The rest of them remained. I have been searching for a solution to this problem since the upgrade.
I upgrade to 8.0.2 with no positive results (No Movie Icon and still Hit and Miss in moving eMails to the trash).
I noticed that the iTunes folder in my iMac contains a Movie as well as a Home Video folder with videos in each. It is the videos from the Movies folder that have no icon on the iPad(They do play however).
I have no idea what criteria is used to decide what goes where. I have just been dropping my videos in the iTunes icon.
I will do some experimenting.
As for the eMail problem I talked to my ISP and they just laughed. May have to switch to another portable device.
Three out of 27 movie icons are missing after I upgraded to IOS 8 (now on 8.0.2). I have confirmed, using iTunes on my PC, that the movie info does contains artwork and have even re-downloaded the movies to my iPad and I still have the problem.
This was not a problem at all under IOS 7.
Note that these are not movies purchsed through iTunes. They are movies I have captured and then added an Artwork .JPG so I could identify the movie under the IOS 7 VIDEO App.
Appears that only movies downloaded from Apple will display icons. None of my Movies have been downloaded from Apple and none display icons.
Here is a work-around that may work. In the iTunes window right click on the icon-less movie then select "Get Info" and change the Media Kind to "Home Videos". Reload the movies to your iPad and the icons should appear in your iPad under "Home Videos".
Forgot to mention that after clicking "Get Info" click on the "Options" tap then change Media Kind.
I also have a Miata.
Only 5 of my 211 videos do not show the icon. The Media Kind for each of them is "Home Videos". In iOS 7 before upgrading to iOS 8.0.2 they all appeared. I even tried adding my own artwork via "Get Information", but it won't appear either. Do you have any other suggestions?
I have an identical problem on my iPad Mini Retina - a few movie icons only after the 8.0.2 upgrade. Most are not from the Apple Store - those that are, have their icons (surprise!). I have tried resetting, reloading etc but no go. This did not happen after the IOS 7 upgrade. Anybody have a permanent suggestion? On my iPhone 4S everything is OK with exactly the same movies and icons synced from the same PC?? Apple really have a problem with IOS 8.
I think I have found the problem after checking a number of other threads. It appears that the reason that my icons or thumbnails have disappeared is because I had formatted all my cover art work to be square (usually 500 x 500 pixels). When I looked at the artwork for some of my movies from the iTunes store (which did appear), I found that they all had artwork of 667px wide x 1000px high. When I reformatted one of the missing icons to this aspect ratio, and substituted it for a square one (using Get Info), iTunes resynced the movie and hey presto, the thumbnail appeared again on my iPad. So I tried various combinations and it seems that as long as the aspect ratio is rectangular and about 2:3 (w x h), then the artwork will transfer. Have tried it for several movies, and it has worked every time. I also found that if I wanted my own "Home Videos" to show up in Movies, then I had to make an icon for them in the right ratio and then they appear. In Home Movies, they will appear without any change but if you have done the change of Media Kind in Get Info to shift those so-called Home Movies (anything not bought from the Apple Store) into the Movies area then you need to go through this process.
What a pain. For some reason Apple have decided in IOS 8 that icons not formatted to a new format won't appear. What was good in everything up to IOS 7 is now broken. Nice of them to tell us!! Now all we have to do is reformat all our artwork for every movie taken from our own DVDs and resync every one. For some people this should only be a few hundred hours of work!!
Hope this assists others. Can't say I am impressed with Apple but I guess that I am not alone in that matter at the moment!
Thanks seajay47!
I checked the icon for one of the three movies that doesn't display and it had an aspect ration of 1.8:1. I replaced the movie's artwork with a thumbnail that had a 1.4:1 aspect ratio, re-downloaded it to my iPad and it shows up fine. So it seems 1.4:1 or 1.5:1 is the magic ratio.
I am not sure why IOS 7 could handle odd thumbnail images and IOS 8 can't. What a PITA!
For one of my videos I tried putting a JPEG in the box for artwork under "Get Information". This didn't work. I should have explained that none of my videos have artwork for icons. The thumbnails appeared automatically for all of my home videos except for five.
Moving my iMovie 9 Trailers from Movies to Home Videos did not bring back the icons. From observations in iTune these icons are square(500X500?). appears there is more than one constraint keeping these icons from being displayed on the iPad.
Al Seper1 wrote:
Moving my iMovie 9 Trailers from Movies to Home Videos did not bring back the icons. From observations in iTune these icons are square(500X500?). appears there is more than one constraint keeping these icons from being displayed on the iPad.
I switched from square icons to ones with a 1.4:1 - 1.5:1 aspect ratio and they started to display.
It most definitely has to be a ratio issue. I am having the same issue on my iPad Air and my Home Videos. The interesting thing is that it is on only on those videos that have been taken up and down (rectangular), but not on those that are taken side to side (horizontal).
Anyone know if Apple has created a fix for this issue?
Go to setting and then tap "Videos". Choose "Show All Videos". I had this problem with both my music and videos and fixed it by choosing the show all option. Before I changed it the settings tab told me only "Purchased" content was being shown
This didn't work for me.
After IOS 8 Upgrade my movie icons disappear