IOS 8.0.2 wifi issues
Hi, I have issues with my new iPhone 6 on IOS 8.0.2
Sometimes I lose wifi connectivity and disable / enable the wifi on Settings is not enough... only chance is to reboot the phone.
Hi, I have issues with my new iPhone 6 on IOS 8.0.2
Sometimes I lose wifi connectivity and disable / enable the wifi on Settings is not enough... only chance is to reboot the phone.
Same issue, same device.
Apple release a next phone every year around the same time. staff are not allowed to talk about phones before they are officially announced.
Similar problem on my 6 with ios 8.0.2. Sometimes wifi works, sometimes it just throws a fit and won't even recognize a single SSID regardless of airplane mode on/offs and reboots.
Just tested ios 8.1 beta 2. Can confirm the wifi issue has been resolved.
Try testing it for a couple of days and tell us if it in fact fixes the wifi problems.
crossing fingers
best apple news Ive heard for a looong time!
Will do. But I can tell already that it's a complete fix as I have never been able to connect to dual band router for longer than 5 mins before. Now I have been using it non stop for over an hour.
That's excellent news. Any improvements to battery life? This has also been an ongoing issue for me with 8.0.2.
I Will test and let you know. But battery life on my iPhone 6 has been very good anyway.
I have an iPhone 6 Plus 128GB. Worked OK for first week, several resets required, APP crashes, etc., but no "show stoppers." UNTIL THIS MORNING! I noticed that I was no longer connected to my WiFi network (I have an 802.11 ac router). I attempted to turn WIFi on in the settings on the phone and the WiFi toggle icon was greyed out and unable to be turned "on." I tried doing several levels of resets; starting with just a reset of network setting only progressing all the way to a total system reset and restore. To make a really long story short, I spent over an hour on phone with Apple Support during which they sent me a diagnostic utility to run which instantly returned the results to the Apple Tech on the phone. From the results he was able to determine that it was a hardware problem. I have a replacement phone on the way.
WiFi hardware failure!!!!!! I wonder how prevalent this problem is? Has anyone else heard about this particular problem?
Exact same thing happening to me. My internet connection slows down to a crawl. My other iDevices are working fine. Only happens on my iPhone 6 plus. The only way I can fix it is to reset my network settings. Goes back to normal then the following day, it will comeback and have to do the same thing again. It's annoying!!!
My 6 battery life has been abysmal. All features minimized including Bluetooth, yet surfing in Safari (not streaming), phone heats and battery drains very quickly No wifi dropping issues here but battery life is sad.
I'm also running 8.1 beta 2, but I've had no such luck. The problems I'm seeing have persisted: slow (~1 Mbps) to nonexistent downlink, highish latency, and frequent drooped connections (but uplink is fine). I've otherwise tried every suggested fix out there. And these problems occur on a variety of networks, including my home network (airport extreme, 5 GHz, n only, WPA2).
I've had a bug open, but I'm starting to suspect a hardware issue, especially since this only affects my iPhone 6 and no other iOS 8 devices.. I'll provide an update if I end up swapping out the phone.
I Find it very difficult for this issue to be hardware related because I have it on a 5s exactly as described and follwing this discussion, I have seen other non 6 users that face it.
IF 8.1 doesnt fix the issue, Im personally giving up on apple for good.
Would have done it already but I read a positive review from an 8.1 user here and thought of waiting a bit more.
Apple is great at making spectacular events, patting themselves on the back about how great they are, how many phones they've been selling etc. yet ever since Steve is gone, it seems like the quality and reliability is going down. Had (2) iPhones 5. First one? Home button stopped working after few months. Second one? Volume button stooped working in less then a year! Now I bought an iPhone 6 hoping that the quality will be better and what do I get? Constant wifi problems!!! It works for a while and then it dies. You try to reset setting etc etc. only to get the same result. I'm frustrated and most likely will be returning that piece of rubbish! Already looking at HTC, LG or Samsung. Good bye iPhone!!!
Cant blame you. Looking at that direction myself.
Having the same issue, iphone 6 and 8.0.2, friend suggest that I go into setting and select wi-fi... hope fully you see your network, hit the information button (the i with a circle) and choose forget this network. Then sign back into your network, entering your password. It's been working for 3 straight days for me.
IOS 8.0.2 wifi issues