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iPad 2 keeps crashing rebooting after ios 8 update

Since updating my iPad 2 to ios 8 I have had numerous problems with it, first thing that happened was the accesscibility features came on and would'nt turn off, had to attach to my mac and disable them in itunes, also while this was occuring the ipad 2 kept randomly rebooting, this is still occuring, I have so far done a soft reset and a hard reset, I've done a restore, I've updated to ios 8.2 and still the same things happening, this is starting to get very annoying.

iPad 2 was working fine until this update . . please can anyone assist . . .

Posted on Oct 1, 2014 2:38 AM

320 replies

Dec 11, 2014 1:39 AM in response to VinceCharming

So it's now Thursday and they've released another iOS8 update and still no word from my EMIA or the US Based Engineers on what the hardware fault is, but did receive the following email response :

Dear Mr Elgey,

Thanks for your email. Unfortunately I have not received an update but will contact you as soon as I have further information.

With kind regards,

Executive Relations EMEIA

So looks like I'll be waiting a little longer to get an answer from them still

Dec 11, 2014 3:15 AM in response to VinceCharming

Just had another call from the Apple EMIA in response to my asking the question again :

The EMIA again told me he'd not had any information as yet from the US Based Engineers and he was reaching out to UK Engineers to try and get me an answer.

He also reminded me of his earlier conversations that he thought it unlikely that they would reply or provide the information, as it was not Apples policy to divulge the inner workings of their devices . . so again another stalling tactic or as I like to call it a load of crock . . .

Google "What are the components of an iPad 2" and you find numerous websites detailing the components of an iPad 2, here's my favourite of the lot a complete tear down of an iPad 2 by ifixit

So how they can say divulging the inner workings of an iPad is a problem when the informations already out there . .

Sort it out Apple ffs stop stalling and lying

Dec 11, 2014 5:34 AM in response to RudeboiNL

Not even bothered to update it, as Apple are adamant its a hardware fault (though they refuse to tell me what it is) plus apparently its an update to resolve Ringtones not being available from what I've read about it . . .nice to see they are working on the really important stuff first . .

Anyway had a response to my query about the iPad 2 hardware information being readily available online, so hows it a secret that they can't divulge ?

They've now said that they should have clarified its the Diagnostic Software/Program/Process they can't divulge . . .

Now this confuses me, because at no point have I asked them to divulge what Diagnostic Software/Program/process they are using to identify the Hardware fault, all I've asked is what was the hardware identified as faulty/failed that there engineers have identified from the crash/panic logs ?

I'm now awaiting the next response, I've suggested that maybe they say that the Storm Front approaching the US be blamed for what they can not divulge the information about what Hardware has failed, sounds more plausible than the sh#T they are presently trying to feed me . . .

Stalling again . . .

Dec 15, 2014 7:06 AM in response to VinceCharming

Its now Monday, 4 days since my last contact with my Apple EMIA who kindly informed me that he will contact me when/if he hears something back from the Engineers, so I guess on Wednesday I'll be emailing him again to ask if he's heard anything.

This will then lead to him ringing me up again to feed me some more rubbish about still not hearing back from the Engineers or that its a trade secret and they can't tell me what Hardware failed and then I'll debunk his statement and then we'll be back to me having to wait a few more days while he again speaks to the Engineers in the US . . .

Oh the joys of Apple Customer Service and EMIA's . . .

Dec 19, 2014 1:49 AM in response to VinceCharming

Well its Friday and after another voice mail message from the EMIA informing me that he was still awaiting a response from the states, I decided to give them till today to see if I got an answer before I emailed again.

Unfortunately no voice mail or email messages so I've emailed them again, I even included a home made Christmas card/photo, after all he's still a human being at the end of the day



User uploaded file

from me my partner and our Cane Corso Blue

thank you for sticking with me on this and for getting back to me the other day informing me that you would let me know when you hear something back from the Engineers in the US, but seriously this is getting stupid, its been at least 17 days since I asked the simple question :

What Hardware fault did the engineers identify from the crash/panic logs I provided ?

and all I've had since then are:

"Waiting on the engineers to get back to me"

nonsense about proprietary hardware/software (both of which I debunked by providing either a website detailing the hardware in an iPad 2 and by reminding you that I wasn't asking about the diagnostic software).

Answer me a simple question :

If you were in my shoes and I were in yours, would you be happy waiting 17 days for an answer to what is really a simple question (as the engineers have apparently already identified the hardware fault) . . I'm guessing you wouldn't, so apologises if I keep emailing you requesting for this information, but until I get a straight answer from Apple you unfortunately will continue to receive emails like this.

So really there's only a number of solutions to resolve this :

1. Chase up the Engineers or if you can't contact someone who can and then provide the answer to the question

2. Apple continues to what I can only presume is stall/ignore my request in the hope that I'll eventually get bored and give up (NOT GONNA HAPPEN)

I'm just what you need in the run up to Christmas, the proverbial Customer from **** (Apologies about that)

I look forward to your telephone response or maybe even an email response . .

Anyway dependent on whether or not your engineers get back to you or not, you may or may not get another email from me on Monday/Tuesday . .

Happy Holidays (I actually mean that as well)


Vincent Elgey

So lets see what response I get today or Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday or Friday or when ever Apple see's fit.

Dec 19, 2014 3:36 AM in response to VinceCharming

Apple EMIA got back to me and gave me the same crap about how the information the Engineers have provided is their final words on the matter.

So Apple refuse to tell me what the hardware fault is and just expect me to go into the Apple store and say here's X amount of money, your engineers know whats wrong with it, but they won't tell me so I'm relying on you to be honest and repair it

What I don't understand is why they refuse to discuss with me what the Hardware fault/failure is, that they are so adamant has not been caused by the iOS8 update, surely if they are so sure that it's not iOS8 that caused the problem, why not just tell me what the fault is.

Also when was the last time you bought a product apart from an Apple product that you couldn't downgrade the operating system on . . they won't let me downgrade to iOS7 why ?

Dec 19, 2014 3:57 AM in response to VinceCharming

I think when they say it's a hardware issue that that means there is not

sufficient resident memory to handle iOS8 when using for routine

operations. Nothing is wrong with iOS8. The iPad 2 and 3 are just not

powerful enough to handle the load. So they crash and reboot when pushed

beyond their capability. They don't want to say that it was a bad decision

to allow iPad 2 and 3 to update beyond iOS 7. The market is also flooded

with older iPads which is a problem for Apple. This issue helps to resolve

that problem as now the resale value for those iPads is $0. The down side

is that some consumers are now leary of purchasing an iPad Air expecting a

similar problem 2 years from now.

On Friday, December 19, 2014, Apple Support Communities Updates <

Dec 22, 2014 1:28 AM in response to metaweb

Well low and behold after emailing every possible email address of Higher Ups at Apple I finally got a response on Saturday evening via telephone, this time it was a lady who rang, not my regular EMIA.

She informed me that Apple were now going to tell me what Hardware had failed/was at fault, in my case apparently its a Memory Module, she then informed me that this could be repaired by Apple if I took it into an Apple store, now here's the biggie, I asked how much this would cost :

She informed me it would be at a cost of £299, which I'm sure everyone will agree is a **** of a price to pay to have one part repaired on an iPad 2, well here's the other biggie, they don't actually repair and give you back your iPad 2, they swap it for a refurbished iPad 2, so your in effect buying/paying for another iPad 2, your not just paying for the one part that needs to be repaired.

Another example of Apple making money off the back of customers . . . well I'm afraid to say this isn't over, next step is to ask why they can not just repair one part and why I have to have the whole unit replaced.

iPad 2 keeps crashing rebooting after ios 8 update

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