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iPad 2 keeps crashing rebooting after ios 8 update

Since updating my iPad 2 to ios 8 I have had numerous problems with it, first thing that happened was the accesscibility features came on and would'nt turn off, had to attach to my mac and disable them in itunes, also while this was occuring the ipad 2 kept randomly rebooting, this is still occuring, I have so far done a soft reset and a hard reset, I've done a restore, I've updated to ios 8.2 and still the same things happening, this is starting to get very annoying.

iPad 2 was working fine until this update . . please can anyone assist . . .

Posted on Oct 1, 2014 2:38 AM

320 replies

Dec 22, 2014 2:10 AM in response to VinceCharming

After visiting the Apple Stores refurbished section it would appear that I am indeed in affect buying a refurbished iPad 2, here s 32gb WiFi-3G model they have for sale at £269

http://store.apple.com/uk/product/FC774B/A/refurbished-ipad-2-with-wi-fi3g-32gb- black-2nd-generation

Why would I want an refurbished iPad 2 when all that according to Apple needs replacing is a memory module . . again we are back at the broken car engine analogy :

Me to the Garage : So what's wrong with my car then ?

Garage to me : Well its the pistons, they are cracked

Me to the Garage : So how much to repair them ?

Garage to me : Well its £2999 to repair it

Me to the Garage : £2999 to repair it, that's expensive

Garage to me : Well we don't actually repair it, we give you a reconditioned engine

Me to the Garage : So you don't repair the part that's broken in my engine, you just replace the whole engine

Garage to me : Yes that exactly the case, your bro

Me to the Garage : So you don't repair the part that's broken in my engine, you just replace the whole engine

Garage to me : Yes exactly

So lets get this perfectly straight now, instead of me paying for the part that's failed to be replaced, Apple instead want me to pay for/buy a refurbished iPad 2 ?

It seems that way doesn't it . .

Dec 22, 2014 3:00 AM in response to VinceCharming

Just another thought :

I paid about £500+ when I bought my iPad 2 64GB Wi-Fi 3G

Apple want me to pay £299 to get it repaired (they actually give me a refurbished iPad2)

If I pay the £299, Apple give me the refurbished iPad 2, take my iPad 2, no doubt repair it and then sell it to someone else as a refurbished iPad2 when they have a repair needed.

So lets now work out how much Apple will make off me if I go ahead and get the repair done :

£500 = For original iPad2

£299 = For repair of iPad2 (Well cost of a refurbished unit)

£299 = Price Apple then sell my old iPad 2 after they repair it and then sell it on as refurbished

Total = £1098+

So Apple appear to be on a winner here as long as no one complains about it or actually thinks about it, no wonder Apple shares are so expensive, everyone wants a piece of the Cash Cow Customers . . .

Dec 22, 2014 6:46 AM in response to VinceCharming

It's really some coincidence that so many customers' "Memory Modules" failed in September, eh? All at the same time; stunning. My module must have failed too, because my iPad mini bricked when iOS 8 was installed. What even more amazing was my device's ability to repair it's own module instantaneously, when I reverted to version 7.1.2, three days later. That's impressive. The problem with the "module" is that they disregarded the A5 processor's capabilities when they coded iOS 8, then failed to tell us. Period. Your iPad would be working fine today if running 7.1.2; I'd bank on it.

I've been following your progress, and I commend you for your unceasing diligence, Vince.

Dec 22, 2014 7:36 AM in response to Ken Haggerty

Ken thanks for following and the comments, its knowing that people are actually reading this helps me continue the fight . .

I've tried contacting my EMIA today, but he's on his Christmas hols according to the Out of Office message, but apparently his voicemails are being picked up, so I've left a message on that asking that someone contacts me again.

I'm guessing that the next response will be from Apple that the module is attached to the iPad 2 Logic board thus the part can not be removed and replaced, well I'm sure that the whole Logic board doesn't cost £299 to replace, so why so expensive ?

Dec 23, 2014 4:27 AM in response to VinceCharming

My EMIA has called me back and has told me that the £299 isn't for a refurbished iPad 2 it's the out of warranty service/repair costs, even though they do replace the iPad 2 with another, I'm not actually paying for the replacment . . . ?

It seems a little coincidental that the cost of the refurbished iPad 2 is about the same as an "Out of Warranty" repair/service.

Apple expect people to pay £299 for repairs to a product that they can just go out and buy as a refurb ?

Apple really do look at customers as if we are cash cows in my opinion and I now look forward to there next response

Tim Cook recently posted on his Twitter Account :

On #HumanRightsDay, let us commit to our Founding Fathers vision, "we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal".

Well Tim it appears that the company your CEO of doesn't hold to that adage, if all men were created equal, should'nt Apple treat them with a little bit more respect, you presently seem to think that Apple users aren't created equal and that they apparently have money to burn,

Apple appear to have become what they protested against in their 1984 Apple Advert

"Today, we celebrate the first glorious anniversary of the Information Purification Directives. We have created, for the first time in all history, a garden of pure ideology—where each worker may bloom, secure from the pests purveying contradictory truths. Our Unification of Thoughts is more powerful a weapon than any fleet or army on earth. We are one people, with one will, one resolve, one cause. Our enemies shall talk themselves to death, and we will bury them with their own confusion. We shall prevail!"

No longer shall the individual prevail . . . it appears

Dec 24, 2014 1:02 AM in response to linda LA

Apologies Linda, I was just quoting Tim Cook, all people are indeed created equal, woman more so as my girlfriend keeps telling me 🙂

Anyway had another voicemail from my EMIA this morning asking me to contact him, regarding my previous email, even though I specifically asked for an email response, so I've sent the following email to him to remind him that's how I would please like Apple's repsonse

Morning Sxxxxx,

I received your voicemail this morning, but I would be grateful that if Apple have anything to say that they please say it via the medium of email as mentioned in my previous email.

By the way while awaiting Apple response I watched a few of the old Apple Adverts, particularly the "1984" Superbowl advert, the one where they introduce the all new Macintosh, it was quite good for it's time, way ahead of its competitors adverts, though unfortunately it now seems Apple have become what they protested against, the seminal part of the advert was where the the Big Brother character on screen announces:

"Today, we celebrate the first glorious anniversary of the Information Purification Directives. We have created, for the first time in all history, a garden of pure ideology—where each worker may bloom, secure from the pests purveying contradictory truths. Our Unification of Thoughts is more powerful a weapon than any fleet or army on earth. We are one people, with one will, one resolve, one cause. Our enemies shall talk themselves to death, and we will bury them with their own confusion. We shall prevail!"

It now seems that Apple has become what they preached against "Big Brother", they have their little walled garden where we the customer can not even downgrade or get an answer to a simple question unless to shout and keep shouting, Apple don't like to be told the truth about their products, and unfortunately you are member of that unification of thoughts that calls itself Customer Support and Apple itself have been sold the lie and believed it and we the customers are indeed left to talk ourselves to death and again Apple's customer support and technical staff continue to try to bury us with contradictory statements and facts in the hope to confuse us.

Oh the irony of it all, I'd laugh out loud if it wasn't for the fact that I now have a paperweight that cost me £500 plus pounds . .

Welcome to 1984 in all its Apple glory . .

Anyway I look forward to your "EMAIL RESPONSE" (excuse the shouting, just wanted to ensure you understood that I require an email response please)



p.s. Just in case I don't receive an email response, let me now wish you and yours a Merry Christmas

Dec 24, 2014 7:38 AM in response to VinceCharming

Seems Apple don't like to answer or respond to customers via email for some reason, latest response from Apple :

Dear Mr Elgey,

Thank you for your response.

I appreciate your request to communicate solely by email but I can only provide you with an update by phone.

You can contact me at your earliest convenience or provide me with your preferred time of contact and I will endeavour to reach you at the required time.

I look forward to speaking with you.

With kind regards,

xxxxx xxxxxx
Executive Relations EMEIA

Dec 27, 2014 4:42 AM in response to VinceCharming

HI VinceCharming,

This is going to sound crazy but I have an iPad 2 with cellular plan and I had the same exact problem. This might help a few people since all I did was remove the big bulky case. Once the case was removed it worked, is going almost a day when it used to go off after 2-5 min. I know not everyone is using a case but hope some are.



Dec 30, 2014 1:33 AM in response to VinceCharming

So Christmas has been and gone and Santa Claus has paid his visits and I've had another response from my EMIA.

Unfortunately not via email as I politely requested, he instead again left a voice mail message for me, this time informing me that the lady who rang me on the Saturday (who he identified as his Manager in a previous call) had actually quoted me £206.44 for an out of warranty repair, not the actually £299 I heard her say ? funny that, because £299 for a repair/refurbished iPad sounds nothing like "£206.44 for an out of warranty repair/service"

Now if the EMIA and Apple had as I have been requesting since the start near enough to convey information via email, then there would be no confusion about who said what and for how much etc etc, but again Apple seem/appear to have a policy in place that prevents them from doing this.

So once again I'm still in the predicament where Apple will only respond to anything I ask them via telephone conversations, so once again I'll send them an email :


unfortunately I've been ill with the Flu, so have been unable to pick up my voicemail until today, with regards your comment about being unable to provide an answer via email, please can you explain to me why you can not provide an answer via email ?
Is this company Policy ?

Also with regards your colleagues call informing me of the cost of the repairs, if she said it was an out of warranty fee and not a repair fee, she surely must have whispered it as the lady in question clearly stated that it was a repair cost, which after questioning I found out was in actual fact a cost to replace the unit with a refurbished Unit, as Apple don't repair they replace with refurbished units, she also stated that the cost would be £299 not the £206.44 as you have just stated in your call, you yourself even told me it was "£299 for an out of warranty repair"

I'm totally confused now, one minute it is £299, now its £206.44, where are these figures coming from ?

This is why I am requesting yet again that any relevant answers be provided via email, so as to ensure that the correct information is provided . .

If you can not provide me with answers via email or put me in touch with someone who can !

I find it astonishing and to be honest appalling that a company in today's modern age of communications can not provide answers via email, even more so when it is supposedly a company at the forefront of technology . . .

I look forward to your response via "Email" hopefully


Vincent Elgey

p.s. Hope you had a good Christmas

I look forward to the response via voice mail as I unfortunately still full of flu/cold and have very little voice left to spare on telephone conversations with Apple representatives and wish to save what voice I have left for shouting out Happy New Year.

Anyway hope you all had a very good Christmas and you all got the Apple products you wanted with the ultra expensive Out of Warranty costs that will no doubt incur when the next iOS8/OSX breaks it 🙂

Dec 30, 2014 1:58 AM in response to linda LA

Hi Linda,

hope you had a good Christmas 🙂

I unfortunately have been ill with Flu, so Christmas was a bit of drag for me, spent it in bed bored out of my skull, no iPad 2 to keep me entertained 😟 it's broke you know . .

Glad you appreciated my "little walled garden comments" I would say its funny how a company can forget it's roots in the interest of profit and shareholders, but actually its quite shameful and appalling to be honest.

My dealings with them over the past 3 months have shown me first hand that they don't care about customers, they tell untruths (lies) customers, they try to confuse customers and most importantly they refuse to put anything in writing (wonder why that is)

Worst Customer Service I've personally ever experienced . .

Dec 30, 2014 6:21 AM in response to lhormaza

Hi lhormaza,

nope that didn't work for me and Apple have now told me after about a month of asking for clarification that apparently a memory module has failed in my device, though it was working perfectly on iOS7, it only failed on iOS8 upgrade (mmmm strange time to fail).

Anyhow they won't let me downgrade to iOS7, they just want me to pay either £299 or £206.44 for a repair/refurbished model

iPad 2 keeps crashing rebooting after ios 8 update

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