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iPad 2 keeps crashing rebooting after ios 8 update

Since updating my iPad 2 to ios 8 I have had numerous problems with it, first thing that happened was the accesscibility features came on and would'nt turn off, had to attach to my mac and disable them in itunes, also while this was occuring the ipad 2 kept randomly rebooting, this is still occuring, I have so far done a soft reset and a hard reset, I've done a restore, I've updated to ios 8.2 and still the same things happening, this is starting to get very annoying.

iPad 2 was working fine until this update . . please can anyone assist . . .

Posted on Oct 1, 2014 2:38 AM

320 replies

Dec 30, 2014 11:16 AM in response to VinceCharming

Apple replied via email with the standard response to my quires/questions about the pricing etc repairs/refurbished goods so on, so here it is

Dear Mr Elgey,

Thanks for your email. I have provided you with Apple’s response regarding your options.

Please see the link below stating the out of warranty service cost for your iPad 2.

http://support.apple.com/kb/index?page=servicefaq&geo=United_Kingdom&product=ipa d

With kind regards,

xxxxxx xxxxx
Executive Relations EMEIA

So once again Apple just want me to roll over and buy a refurbished iPad 2 from them and give them my old one, which they will no doubt then refurbish and sell to someone else.

Oh the battle continues

Dec 31, 2014 2:24 AM in response to Ken Haggerty


What I find comical about it all is there are Rules for Apple and then there are rules for the Serf's/Commoners

If your Apple you can tell everyone else what to do

Example :

If a user buys one of the Apps/Songs you put for sale in our store, they can have a refund up to 14 days laters, so if your an App Developer or a musician tough luck, our rules (Well actually Apple abiding by EU Regs on Sales of Goods - Makes a refreshing change)

If your a user and want to revert to an earlier version of iOS you can't ! TOUGH LUCK !

You will only use the iOS that we want you to use on our devices and if you want to roll back to an earlier version, you can't !

During this whole appalling interaction with Apple there have been points where it might have all ended amicably:

If they had let me revert to iOS7

If they had told me what the hardware problem was when I first initially asked (instead they just fed me excuses and made up reasons why they couldn't tell me for well over a month)

If when asked they'd escalated the call to someone who could answer my questions accurately (rather than read off a crib sheet)

If they'd been honest about repairs ! (they don't actually repair they sell you a refurbished iPad and keep your old one)

Apple won't even allow you to ask other users in their support forum if they are having the same problems as it's then classed as a poll, which they then delete with a polite message from the Admin or an abrupt one from a fellow user telling you to conduct your business elsewhere, in that users case, I hope when he eventually has his fall out with Apple, people are a little kinder.

Anyway its New Years Eve and I should be starting to celebrate, but instead I'm considering my next cause of action, already emails BBC Watchdog and sent a round robin email to a few of the technology mags about my dealings thus far, linking this and my blog posts, hoping that they might offer some advice on what to do next, because at the moment its a bit like David and Goliath . . . hey there's thought maybe Ridley Scott could do a modern take on it, could be even better than Gladiator or Exodus 🙂

Jan 5, 2015 1:16 AM in response to VinceCharming

This morning's email to Apple, wonder what response I will receive :


Happy New Year . . . . .

Unfortunately I could not reply to your voice mail the other day as I needed a break from Apple Customer Services over the festive period, as it's supposed to be a time of Happiness and Joy and being honest the experience I've had with Apple Customer Services thus far has been anything but . .

Anyway as stated in my previous email I am not at all happy at the way Apple have chosen to treat me with regards this issue :

Some of the high lights being :

1. Waiting 9 days for a Genius Appointment, where being honest anything but a Genius looked at my iPad (Just plugged into a iMac, no diagnostics done at all, just a young lad in an apple outfit telling me its a fault)

2. Eventually speaking to someone at Apple Customer Support (yourself) and then being passed to a Technical Support Engineer (Who again was just reading from a crib sheet) who then told me it was software issue and the latest update would fix the problem (this was after sending in crash logs, from which Apple apparently identified the software issue) - This update however did not resolve the problem

3. Same engineer then telling me its a Hardware failure (something again apparently identified from the crash logs).

4. Apple then refusing to provide me with information regarding the Hardware fault, in fact Apple telling me all sorts of excuses why they couldn't provide me with the details of the hardware fault : see my previous emails debunking these excuses.

5. Waiting for Engineers in the US to be contacted ? (Does Apple not employ Engineers in the UK to resolve issues ?)

6. Waiting for over 2-3 weeks for Apple to provide me with any sort of answer to my questions regarding the hardware fault supposedly identified by the crash logs (Information they had but were unwilling to share with me)

7. Asking for the call to be escalated to a Manager or your line Manager as I wasn't getting any answers from yourself or the engineers : Being informed that you were the highest point I could escalate it to ; yet I then get a call from your Manager ?

8. Being told by your Manager that it could be repaired for £299, when then questioned, informed that this was not a repair, but a replacement with a refurbished iPad 2

9. Being told by you that your Manager was incorrect and that it was actually £206.44 and it wasn't a replacement cost, it was an Out of Warranty repair charge/cost ?

10. Apple refusing to provide any answers via email, apart from the standard " Thanks for your email. I have provided you with Apple’s response regarding your options. " when in actual fact all you ever do is tell me that you can provide me with answers via a telephone conversation, but not via an email.

To be honest I'm now at the stage where I don't believe a word Apple are saying to me any more, because Apple have fed me so much crap over the past 3 months about what the issue was ? and about how it can be resolved . .

In 3 months you've ruined/broken the trust of a previously Happy 8 year, 14 products purchased relationship between Vince and Apple.

Well done Apple . . . keep up the good work

Again should you wish to provide me with a response to the above, please provide it via email and please provide me with something a little bit more than :

" Thanks for your email. I have provided you with Apple’s response regarding your options. "


Vincent Elgey

p.s. If you can't provide me with a response to the above email, please point me in the direction of someone who can, perhaps a Manager/Line Manager (I know you have one, you've already told me so)

Jan 6, 2015 6:19 AM in response to VinceCharming

Had another voice mail from Apple informing me that if I'd wish to talk about the issue my EMIA would be more than happy to discuss with me.

Unfortunately they still have no wish to discuss any part of the issue via email at this moment.

Usual standard response that I'm used to now, so in other words no we don't want to put anything in writing . . . .

Anyway I'm thinking along the lines of starting my own standard reply :


thank you for your voice mail and offering to speak about this issue, please feel free to discuss in your return email.



Jan 6, 2015 8:01 AM in response to frakie


all I can suggest is as Apple put it "Reach out" to one of their support staff and hope you get a better answer than myself, if its the same problem as my iPad 2, they will inform you that its a memory module that's failed, no reason why it's failed, it's just failed and it will cost you about 1/2 as much to repair/replace as it did to buy the product originally.

Good luck

Jan 7, 2015 5:17 AM in response to VinceCharming

Apple response to yesterdays email and my request for a response via email

Dear Mr Elgey,

I have provided you with Apple’s response regarding this case. I have informed you of the out of warranty service fee should you wish to service your iPad 2. I have offered on many occasions to discuss your case over a phone conversation which you have declined.

I have informed you that I can only provide you an update by phone so please contact me at your earliest convenience or provide me with your preferred time of contact and I will endeavour to reach you at the required time.

With kind regards,

xxxxx xxxxxxx
Executive Relations EMEIA

Unfortunately we are at an impasse where Apple won't respond via email and I won't discuss it in a telephone conversation, as presently I prefer to have everything they wish to say to me in writing.

Wonder what will occur next . . .

Jan 8, 2015 4:12 AM in response to VinceCharming

It appears Apple Customer Service no longer wish to speak to me

Dear Mr Elgey,

You have been provided several times with the same answer by Apple and our response remains unchanged. You will no longer receive a response from Apple should you continue contact me or any other Apple departments via e-mail in respect of this matter as your case is now closed.

Should you wish to bring new facts to my attention please contact me and I will be happy to review the new information and will get back to you within 24 business hours.

With kind regards,

Sxxxx Bxxxxxc
Executive Relations EMEIA

Seems as if Apple don't really care about their customers, let this be a warning to you all

Jan 8, 2015 5:50 AM in response to VinceCharming

I've asked once again for Apple to confirm the following in writing regarding their response as they have still not given any form of writtten response what so ever except on how to have the product repaired under the extortionately priced Out of Service Warranty,

So :

Can you just confirm some things please :

Apples response as far as I can see is that

1. iOS8 did not break my iPad 2

2 . A component failure broke my iPad 2

3. Apple will repair the component at a cost to myself of £206.44 , even though the product is just over 3 years old and as such should be covered by the Sales of Goods Act 1974.

Am I correct is believing this is the response Apple are providing me with, if I receive no response I will presume that it is

If this is not the response Apple are providing me with, please provide in writing Apples full response, detailing how they have come about this conclusion and evidence to prove this conclusion

I have also began to look at the process of making a Small Claims Court proceeding against Apple under the Sales of Goods Act 1974, as it now appears that Apple do not wish to discuss the matter further and refuse to provide evidence of failed component or discuss an amicable solution to the failed component.

Wish me luck and I'll keep you updated

iPad 2 keeps crashing rebooting after ios 8 update

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