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iPad 2 keeps crashing rebooting after ios 8 update

Since updating my iPad 2 to ios 8 I have had numerous problems with it, first thing that happened was the accesscibility features came on and would'nt turn off, had to attach to my mac and disable them in itunes, also while this was occuring the ipad 2 kept randomly rebooting, this is still occuring, I have so far done a soft reset and a hard reset, I've done a restore, I've updated to ios 8.2 and still the same things happening, this is starting to get very annoying.

iPad 2 was working fine until this update . . please can anyone assist . . .

Posted on Oct 1, 2014 2:38 AM

320 replies

Nov 10, 2014 7:01 AM in response to VinceCharming

You know what really annoys me about this whole affair more than the fact my iPad no longer is fit for function, it's the fact that the supposed Apple Genius I saw, did everything that I've done myself and when he had the same issues, just turned round and said its a hardware fault, this was without doing any sort of diagnostics or checking any of the crash logs/reports.

It felt like just some generic answer they give when they aren't sure themselves, something supposed to appease the masses who buy their products . . .

Nov 10, 2014 7:06 AM in response to VinceCharming

I'm also seeing random reboots after updating to iOS8.1. I have done all the resets save for the one with the desktop, as iPads won't play nice with Linux won't mount it as of this post, my iPad mini has rebooted twice, both in the middle of working on a script.

N.B. I own two iPad minis. Both run iOS8.1. only the 32Gb is experiencing this reboot issue.

Kinda peeved with apple for their non-attention to this "feature" of iOS8.1

Nov 10, 2014 8:12 AM in response to VinceCharming

I thought I had stability with the Wi-Fi off, but that didn't last long . . either we all have had hardware failures like Apple says, in which case worst piece of luck going round at the minute, or as I suspect and I'm sure a few others's do it's something to do with the update, for all I know it might be hardware and the update, I just don't know and Apple Genius never told me what hardware had failed . . see my previous posts for the generic answer

Nov 10, 2014 8:13 AM in response to slumper

I thought I had stability with the Wi-Fi off, but that didn't last long . . either we all have had hardware failures like Apple says, in which case worst piece of luck going round at the minute, or as I suspect and I'm sure a few others's do it's something to do with the update, for all I know it might be hardware and the update, I just don't know and Apple Genius never told me what hardware had failed . . see my previous posts for the generic answe

Nov 10, 2014 8:45 AM in response to VinceCharming

That's disappointing, even though turning off wifi for me isn't an option, I was hoping it might be the solution and therefore fixable in future updates.

It was me who called Apple and got the hardware failure spiel on the phone, it's just the easy answer for them. Some much of what they were releasing in the past was groundbreaking but now they just seem to be struggling to update for the sake of it.

On a sidenote, I went to OS Yosemite on my laptop and while no OS faults identified yet, I hate the look of it, it's childish. I suppose I'm Apple heavy with my gadget setup but christ they've annoyed me this past while 😟

Nov 10, 2014 12:04 PM in response to VinceCharming

VinceCharming wrote:

Wish me luck for this evening I intend to enter the Apple store and raise the issue of consumer law and the warranty/quality of their products ...

I'm interested in how THAT LAW works in your country. Let me know what happens with the technical details of "this law". I think that's a worthwhile subject to know about here, for Apple Support and customer affairs.

Mind you, I'm not interested in what one should do, should not do, or how policy should be or should not be ... but merely ... how does this law work "when the rubber meets the road" of an actual claim through that law. That's what I'm interested in here.

Nov 10, 2014 12:08 PM in response to slumper

slumper wrote:

It was me who called Apple and got the hardware failure spiel on the phone, it's just the easy answer for them.

You simply "say" it's an easy answer, but what really matters here is not what you think ... but rather ... "Is there a hardware failure or not". In other words, if there is a hardware failure, IN FACT, then no amount of grousing about it is going to change the fact. What you need to do is VERIFY (or "not") the hardware status of the machine.

It's about the "FACT OF THE MATTER" and not what one thinks about it. So, again, "verify" or not, that hardware failure, and then you'll have "something" to talk to Apple about.

Nov 11, 2014 1:14 AM in response to Star Traveler

Read up on it, there's a little information on the Apple Website here : http://www.apple.com/uk/legal/statutory-warranty/

and the actual legislation here http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1979/54

You might find it interesting, its a law that protects the buyer when are goods purchased :

When you buy a product in the UK we have the Sales of Goods Act so if a product proves to have an inherent fault or fails to last a reasonable time.

The UK Sale of Goods Act offers protection against fault goods even when the manufacturer's guarantee has run out and says that goods must last a "reasonable time" - which can be claimed anything up to 6 years from the date of purchase.

As for last night's visit to the Apple store, unfortunately due to a CDP going down at work, I didn't leave here until gone 10:00pm, so will hopefully (fingers crossed) go tonight.

Nov 11, 2014 1:18 AM in response to Star Traveler

Star Traveler you have a valid point about verifying the Hardware fault, but unfortunately Apple didn't do this with mine, they just attempted all the thing's I'd already done, they performed no diagnostics on the device, they viewed no crash logs, the "Genius" just looked at me and said it's a hardware fault and that was it.

I then went home and dug out by old Business Law book and did a little bit of re-education on the Sales of Goods Act and intend to when I next visit the Apple Store to at the very least get some sort of answer regarding what exactly the hardware fault is.

Nov 11, 2014 1:55 AM in response to Diavonex

I have a similar issue. iPad 2, iOS8.1. Updated several days ago from iOS7. The device only uses WiFi and no bluetooth.

After the update the device was very slow. The battery drained within a matter of hours. I tried charging, left it on charge for over 12 hours and it had not even got to 50%, when previously under iOS7 it charged fully with this amount of time. I reset the whole device back to factory defaults. I charged the iPad to approx 95% and it seemed to be ok but the battery level dropped quickly again with little use and even dropped when not in use. I tried charging, left it for 12 hours and it again couldn't charge, got to 27%.

The device is now unusable and not fit for purpose. It won't charge properly, the battery flattens very quickly and I can't restore back to iOS7.

Nov 11, 2014 8:05 PM in response to VinceCharming

I was able to revert to 7.1.2 just in time. I was mortified by the massive usability problems when I went with the new 8.0; actually, it wasn't "useable" at all. Virtually nothing worked - basically bricked. The list of issues exhibited by my tablet is, quite simply, too long to print here. Switching back to iOS7 COMPLETELY RESTORED its functionality, proving the problems are operating-system-based. I feel for all those who are stuck with whatever version of 8 they ended up with. I am SO COMPLETELY OUTRAGED by Apple's indifference. I've written them a number of times with no response. They aren't, in any way, acknowledging their guffaw regarding many of the (older) now RUINED devices. I hear nothing in the press, except for that iOS 8 isn't working well for their new flagship phones. I've even written questions to various computer publications; also without results. NO ONE at Apple is paying attention to their previous customers and fans, who are very likely to be permanently turned off of Apple products in the future. And I'm thinking the number of those is turning out to be quite large. How I wish they just would have just put in some sort of effort to alleviate our very serious problems. Anyway, my iPad Mini is still going strong. I was hoping to have a decent version of 8, because the new apps and features available sound enticing. But there's virtually no way I'm trying to upgrade again, after hearing just how many other horror stories there are. Good luck to everyone. Keep posting here, and to Apple directly. Maybe someday they will pay heed, and offer the solutions that we, quite frankly, deserve.

Nov 12, 2014 1:32 AM in response to metaweb

metaweb wrote:

iPad 3s are all having this issue too. Not just iPad 2s. Of course Apple knows about it. If they wanted things to work correctly, they'd fix it with an update or allow users to downgrade to iOS 7. So, the only 2 possible answers are that Apple doesn't know how to fix the problem or it's forced obsolesence.

Couldn't agree more, very very annoying spending nearly 2 months now trying to get this sorted.

On a good note though I have now had a response from Apple and will shortly be discussing my problems with a Senior Technical Specialist, who is going to offer me technical support, here's hoping . . .

iPad 2 keeps crashing rebooting after ios 8 update

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