I did all of the recommendation individually, but no success.
The following solution enable me to have internet for a good 3 hours (Enough to download Mavericks).
Turn off your wifi, go to finder and press COMMAND - SHIFT - G, and then type /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration (Caps are important according to the advisor) and then press enter.
Inside the window, look for NetworkInterfaces.plist. (Delete), and then Preferences.plist. (also delete).
Go to the apple icon on the bar and reset your mac.
2. Finder/Applications/Utilities/Keychain Access/Keychain First Aid > Verify then repair
3. Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
4. Do not connect any bluetooth (Whenever I connect, I lose connection quickly)
5. Search in Google how to create a bootable Maverick usb (You will need 8GB + Maverick.app + LionMaker app which is free).
6. Follow the website that explain the instruction and then you are done with the Maverick installation.
Before going to sleep, I left a 10 hours Youtube video stream and when I woke up, the video was still playing.
So Maverick +1. Yosemite 0.
I personally suggest that you revert to Maverick until Apple developer team can fix this issue in a permanent way instead of doing fixes yourself, putting too much hope and then lose connection again.