THanks NOYB but yeah there are several articles relating to apps that date as far back as apps creation sometime around 2010. I got sum fro articles and the federal government. Please keep in mind these are world wide numbers and you have to go to a lot of sites to find this information. I use Forbes, fidelity, Berkshire Hathaway, cnet, pc mag, etc... But you can google the app name along with income created by " " app and find pretty much what you need. I may have the numbers a bit off due to my old degrading mind but i am pretty close. Not everything needs to be verified but feel free to look for your self. I encourage folks to go to other sites other than Apple for information about Apple. You tend to find a more unbias look into this company.
psiko is just frustrated and confused. Poor little psiko and his popping ipad. As if he is the only one with that problem. By the way i am almost retirement age but thanks for the kids compliment. Psiko what i was saying is why you are having the ussues you are having. Apple is done with the ipad Air2 they are moving on to the next big thing buddy. So go get one of those phones i mentioned they are pretty cool also check some of the new tablets too. They come loaded with cool tech.
PHilly just read you will find answers you never thought could be true. Walmart, Apple, Mcdonalds, etc., you would be amazed how much money they make and how much resources they steel and how little they truly give back in the scheme of things. i dont have time tonite to dig up articles but there are several that support just about everything i said i am amazed Apple hasn't taken it down by now. I actually did not mean to hit reply because i was searching for links as i was writing and it gave me the red sorry try again press here to reset browser And i did not see it until after i saw your reply and there was my corrected draft too that i did not finish it too would mot let me hit cancel or reply so i did not think it posted. Then i tried to edit in hopes to erase but it was too late. Oh well such us life. But you can find that info on the net. i use a lot of investment sites because they usually know a little bit more than tech guides. It is kinda follow the money. And the numbers i used were from memory but NOYB is right it is a little over 1-5 million a day on just one or two apps. I think Tim Cook said over 200,000,000 ipads have been sold since 2010. That is a lot of ipads playing and paying. Not to mention iPhones too.
I Think if you google "app lottery" you may find a very interesting article. I think it was a Forbes article. I cannot remember everything thats what you youngsters are for and these gadgets. Research what you dont know and learn. Have fun, ciao...