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I cannot delete iPhone keyboard shortcuts. They keep restoring.

I have deleted old keyboard shortcuts that were no longer used and added new ones using the same shortcut. For instance typing "eml" would auto-fill with my old email address. I deleted this shortcut and made a new one - "eml" = new email address. iCloud keeps restoring the old shortcuts, so now I have two "eml" shortcuts with two different email addresses. Also, old shortcuts are constantly being restored! I cannot delete any shortcut! They will delete for a couple of days and then they are "restored" to my iPhone. How the heck do you permanently delete keyboard shortcuts in iOS? I tried turning off backup, deleting, turning on, waiting, updating to no avail. Is there a way to completely wipe the backup/settings file stored in iCloud for an iOS device?

Posted on Nov 7, 2014 11:46 AM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Jul 13, 2015 2:46 PM

Keyboard Shortcut returning solution

Wow it is insane the amount of people who are having this issue. The reason this error exist because of a corrupt backup/ local keyboard files. Your iPhone has created multiple folders for the keyboard shortcut and iCloud can't delete those and because of this your backups only delete on iPhone and not on iCloud because they are not in the proper folder. IMPORTANT: All your shortcuts are being uploaded to iCloud even the ones you can not delete. Once you attempt to delete them iCloud does delete them (Temporary because your iPhone has a corrupt backup that won't delete it and it just gets restore back)

The solution is very simple.

You could start from a scratch iPhone and lose all your information or you can modify your backup and delete the corrupted files. As I said earlier, your iCloud backup has all your keyboard shortcuts backed up so you won't lose any of them, make sure you do an iCloud backup.

Step one

Backup your iPhone to iTunes.

Step two

You will need a program that can read iTune's backup

Step Three

open the program and select your latest backup from the left hand side of the program

Navigate to

System files > KeyboardDomain

User uploaded file

Once inside the Keyboard domain select > Library > Keyboard

Delete "CoreDataUbiquitySupport"

User uploaded file

Before you delete it let me explain whats inside. Go ahead and open the coredata folder, there should only be two folders (By Default) in here, but as you can see you have more than two. This is all local and because of that your backups keep coming back because your iPhone keeps reading all the folders when it should only be reading the default one that iCloud gives you.

Step four

Restore your iPhone using iTunes and using this backup. Once your iPhone connects to iCloud it will download your keyboard shortcuts and in the corrupted folder there will only be two folders (Or how many your iCloud reads) making it corrected.

Should anyone have questions or answers please feel free to contact me. This modification is 100% safe as long as you delete what I told you to. Any typos or errors I apologize. I rather fix the issue than waste 1 hour explaining or fixing my typos. I came across this issue on a few iPhones at my company and I had to come up with a solution.



User uploaded file

<Link Edited By Host>

647 replies

Jun 4, 2015 2:01 PM in response to crmac

I'm at work and can't do that at the moment, but will try to later. Basically it's just Chris's solution with the addition of deleting that extra file that he didn't have in his example. I'll check in periodically if there are further questions. I'm no expert, but that one file just stood out and seems to be the root of all evil in this zombie shortcut horror (at least in my particular case).

Jul 18, 2015 7:15 AM in response to pagemakers4

On 4 Jun 2015, at 12:34 pm, Julius wrote:


Hello Paul. I have just received conformation from the engineers that the shortcut container has been removed from your account. They have instructed me to have sign out of iCloud on all devices, then sign back in and enable icloud drive. I also would like to know if you have chosen an item from the accessory section of the Apple online store? I’d like to get the process started to get the item ordered and sent you as soon as possible. Thank you

Email from Peter to Julius just now:

I followed your emailed instructions. I signed out of iCloud on all devices and Macs. You didn’t mention shortcuts, but I deleted all shortcuts from my phone, and deleted all text substitutions from my work Mac Mini. (I didn’t delete them from every device, because I didn’t intend turning iCloud back on for every device/Mac until I saw the result.) I then turned iCloud back on only on my work Mac Mini and on my iPhone. My work Mac Mini had most but not all of my text substitutions, including 3 “zombie” ones, which I have deleted again. My iPhone appears to have all shortcuts again, including all zombie shortcuts.

I appreciate your offer of an accessory. I was waiting until the process was complete before I made a choice. It is a very low priority for me at present.

Despite my lack of confidence in this latest work-around, I still hoped that it would work. As you can imagine, I am extremely disappointed and frustrated. I’m not entirely sure that the engineers understand how shortcuts work - was there a reason that they didn’t ask me to delete any? Did they think that their deletion of the “container” would solve this problem?

I look forward to your response.

[End email]

It's petty, but I have spoken to this advisor numerous times, yet he still frequently calls me by my partner's name in emails. (Both names are on our Apple ID.)

<Personal Information Edited By Host>

Jul 13, 2015 2:39 PM in response to Peter Oram1

(Perhaps I could have waited a little while before sending my earlier email.)

I deleted the unwanted shortcuts from my Mac and iPhone, and they have not returned. I know it's only been 2 hours, so it's too soon to crack open the champagne, but I've been experimenting... I deleted one shortcut from my iPhone at 12:11, and by 12:14 it was gone from my Mac. I deleted another shortcut from my Mac, and less than a minute later it was gone from my iPhone - basically the kind of syncing one would expect.

I created a new shortcut on the Mac; it appeared within moments on my iPhone. I created a new shortcut on the iPhone; it appeared a few minutes later on the Mac.

My fellow from Consumer Relations phoned me. I told him that the zombie shortcuts have not returned for a couple of hours. He said that it's too early to get excited, but he is pleased. He asked me to let him know if they return. He said that the engineers told him that if their latest fix (outlined above: sign out of iCloud everywhere, then sign back and turn iCloud Drive on) doesn't work, it will have to wait until a software update!

<Edited by Host>

Jun 5, 2015 8:30 AM in response to pagemakers4

I'm glad that worked for you! I think the missing link for everyone was that 2013 file that Chris apparently didn't have lingering in his backups. Thanks for putting those steps online as well. I was going to do that myself today and you beat me to it. I've been struggling with this like everyone else for years and have put in countless hours using every method discussed in this thread trying to get it fixed. Chris is to be commended for showing us the way and sharing the icopybot program that allows us to fix this mess FOR APPLE! I do see that Apple engineers may never see that file since it is stored locally on everyone's device, but by now they should have come up with a fix. I'm glad we found a "non-nuclear" option and I think we can finally declare this one fixed. If anyone needs clarification, I'll check this thread occasionally.


Jun 5, 2015 8:36 PM in response to Pickinic

I have three devices, iMac, iPad mini, and iPhone 6 Plus, all signed into iCloud. Do I sign out of the other devices while I perform the steps? I want to do the steps perfectly the first time. Or am I able to just back up my iPhone and iPad, perform the steps on my phone, then my iPad without shutting anything off? What will rebooting the Mac do?

Steps on the iOS devices, when they both restore from back up, restart Mac and then proceed to delete the shortcuts off all of the devices? then reboot all devices? I'm sorry I'm a bit confusing, I just don't want to do something wrong

Jun 8, 2015 12:01 PM in response to Pickinic

Ok, I'm reluctant to be messing around with 3d-party stuff just to solve something Apple should solve itself, and I'm not confident that the solutions we're finding will hold and not cause other issues, so I buzzed back to "my" tech rep with a plea for help. Below is a redacted version of what I sent, received, and replied:


Where are we on this, please, Jonathan? It seems the hive has come up with what might be a solution (see link), but it would be great to hear from Apple. Please advise. Thanks.



I have been reading the articles you linked to me. After looking at the solution given i can see how it could fix the issue, but with it using a 3rd party program to access system files on an iPhone/iPad/iPod it is something that we do not support. I will be forwarding the information to engineering though to see if they can come up with a solution that falls into our support methods. The only thing that i can think of that we could do until then would be to restore the phone back to factory and manually put information back onto it.


I haven’t been able to follow exactly what the various hive solutions have been, and — trust me — I don’t want to be integrating any third party programs to solve this either. But I honestly don’t see why Apple can’t solve it. They SHOULD solve it, because it’s an Apple problem, and apparently a rather pervasive and persistent one. Aren’t you all sick of hearing about this?

However, what I can glean from all those community threads is that it is a problem definitely linked to user backups (iCloud or otherwise), backups that somehow lurk out of user reach and that will persist no matter whether the phone (or iPad, or whatever) is restored and rebuilt (which in itself is a heinous thing to ask someone to do with what is essentially a new phone). In other words, erase and restore won’t solve the problem on its own. We’ve all learned that. If I’m being asked to erase and reinstall, I would prefer — and will push for — a brand new phone with a restart on the warranty period. Not sure what to do about the iPad.

What about that note to "remove the shortcut container from the iCloud account" from the thread? Can that be done? As an end user, I can’t get to that element.

Really, I’m not demeaning your individual efforts, and I realize that you’re hamstrung by what’s possible from your support level, but I am requesting that you please, please connect me with someone who has the resources, information, access, and latitude to actually fix this problem. I don’t want to speak with another rep who is lateral to you, because that would serve no purpose. I would like to be escalated to, or moved closer to, engineering itself. This is a terrible, terrible waste of time, and is costing me money as well.

Please advise as soon practical, and if possible by end of business Monday 6/8.


And so it goes...

Jun 8, 2015 12:19 PM in response to crmac

Hi Catherine,

While I shared your concern about using a 3rd party program to fix the issue, I can tell you from personal use that it has definitely solved the problems on my iPhone, iPad and iMac. There have been no issues whatsoever in regard to this fix and I firmly believe it is now a permanent fix. I respect your fears and wish you the best of luck pursuing this with Apple, but as far as I'm concerned we've found the solution and I've never been so happy as to get rid of those x!?*ing zombie shortcuts. I also don't believe that Apple reps. have a clue how to fix this and I wish I had taken a screen shot before deleting that file that finally fixed the problem. There are several different threads citing the same problem and I've directed them to this thread for the solution. Good luck with Apple...


P.S. Chris is a saint for providing the initial solution!

Jun 8, 2015 5:03 PM in response to crmac

pagemakers4: No zombie shortcuts have returned! I think the deletion of the "container" did the trick.

crmac: (1) Well done for trying to get Apple to do their job properly. I would be very surprised if you managed to have direct communication with the engineers. It seems that even Apple senior advisors are only able to contact the engineers electronically, not via telephone. And it feels like the engineers dictate the terms of communication with the advisors.

(2) Jonathan is incorrect in suggesting that a factory restore will solve the problem. It didn't for me. I believe that Apple staff are lazy and patronising in the way they frequently advise users to restore, restart, reboot.

(3) You certainly have the communication skills necessary: do you also have the _time_ to contact Consumer Relations? It's exhausting and frustrating, but I don't know how else Apple will get the message that treating users the way they do is not a useful way to do business.

Jun 9, 2015 6:05 AM in response to pagemakers4

Pagemakers4 - it's been over a week, with multiple shutdowns/reboots on all devices and theyve still not returned. So while this was a pain, it seems to have worked.

The key step was having a backup with NO shortcuts to restore from. I'm pretty certain that this has to so with a cache on one of my devices storing the old shortcuts NOT iCloud, as along the way, they reappeared on my iPad while it was not connected to the internet.

Jun 9, 2015 12:56 PM in response to cfront

Just an update, further parley with Apple:

From Apple:


I have asked engineering to look into the community forum resolution to this problem so that we can get a fix for it. As for connecting with someone closer to engineering, we do not have anyone closer; I am your direct connection with them. I sincerely apologize for the time wasted and money lost in this situation. If there is anything that I can do to try to help recoup for the lost time and money, please let me know and as always I will continue to do my best on your behalf.

Then, from me:

I truly, truly appreciate your efforts, Jonathan, and not to be wise-***, but what are my options in having Apple help me “recoup” lost time and money? What do I get in compensation? New Macs and iPs each year for life?… I bill out at anywhere from $50-200/hour for communications/editorial work. Can I send Apple a bill for lost hours? Similarly, a lot of what I do requires the use of contractions, and because of this shortcuts oddity, I have lost the ability to type shouldnt with the proper apostrophe — because the shortcuts override won’t even allow the insertion of the apostrophe after the fact of typing. Reverse issues with “Connecticut,” which I can no longer type it its short form, the legal abbreviation, because shortcuts always spells it out. And because it’s a user-based issue, my Air does this in all apps, whether I am working in Word, Pages, RTF, Safari, Messages, or any web interface. How do I bill Apple for projects I’ve lost or screwed up because it appears that I can’t type, spell, write, or edit — the very things for which I am supposed to be paid. It’s like trying to play solitaire with a deck of 46 cards, or speak without the use of prepositions. I’m starting to sound like a drunken Yoda when I write. This simply must be fixed, and it must be fixable, and it must be done soon — if not immediately.

I’m sorry. I know it’s not you. But it’s not me, and it’s not just me. Countless umbers of Apple users are affected.

So, you have to advise me, who/what is the next level up? Apple Customer Relations? Tim Cook? There has to be a layer of service above you, and I need to be communicating at that level. How do I get there?

Please advise.


P.S. I’m not “outing” you by outing these conversations in the Community thread; I’m “outing” Apple.

Jun 9, 2015 1:53 PM in response to crmac

crmac: Thanks for "fighting the good fight" with Apple reps! I'm glad you're telling it like it is with Jonathan and maybe someone higher up will take note. It appears we've all found permanent solutions to this problem one way or another after many YEARS of frustration in my case. I hope you can get yours resolved with Apple, but it may be quicker to use our solutions and be done with it. However, I DO understand your standing on principle that APPLE should fix this not us!

Jun 11, 2015 5:58 AM in response to Pickinic

I may be, as they say, shouting into the wind on this, but I'm still trying to right this for myself, both the technical issue itself and the satisfaction against lost time and money. So, I'm doing a couple of things, among them, talking with other Mac guru types, forging my way up (?) to Apple Customer Relations, etc. Several things represent themselves as possibly useful in conveying information to others...

First, can we somehow come together and create a comprehensive lists of both what's going wrong and those solutions we've tried that have not worked? Think that among us we can manage this?

Then, has anyone tried to newly add a shortcut, then eliminate it? That would be a test of whether the issue is still "active," right?

Also, has anyone talked with other people with Apple IDs who use or don't use shortcuts? I'm beginning to suspect that the issue affects all Apple IDs, but the only people who have noticed it are those who first, use shortcuts, and second, who have tried to change them after first creating them. My guess is that anyone who isn't using shortcuts doesn't care, of course, and anyone who has never tried to do anything but add shortcuts wouldn't notice because they are perfectly happy.

Thoughts, All?

I cannot delete iPhone keyboard shortcuts. They keep restoring.

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