Ok, I'm reluctant to be messing around with 3d-party stuff just to solve something Apple should solve itself, and I'm not confident that the solutions we're finding will hold and not cause other issues, so I buzzed back to "my" tech rep with a plea for help. Below is a redacted version of what I sent, received, and replied:
Where are we on this, please, Jonathan? It seems the hive has come up with what might be a solution (see link), but it would be great to hear from Apple. Please advise. Thanks.
I have been reading the articles you linked to me. After looking at the solution given i can see how it could fix the issue, but with it using a 3rd party program to access system files on an iPhone/iPad/iPod it is something that we do not support. I will be forwarding the information to engineering though to see if they can come up with a solution that falls into our support methods. The only thing that i can think of that we could do until then would be to restore the phone back to factory and manually put information back onto it.
I haven’t been able to follow exactly what the various hive solutions have been, and — trust me — I don’t want to be integrating any third party programs to solve this either. But I honestly don’t see why Apple can’t solve it. They SHOULD solve it, because it’s an Apple problem, and apparently a rather pervasive and persistent one. Aren’t you all sick of hearing about this?
However, what I can glean from all those community threads is that it is a problem definitely linked to user backups (iCloud or otherwise), backups that somehow lurk out of user reach and that will persist no matter whether the phone (or iPad, or whatever) is restored and rebuilt (which in itself is a heinous thing to ask someone to do with what is essentially a new phone). In other words, erase and restore won’t solve the problem on its own. We’ve all learned that. If I’m being asked to erase and reinstall, I would prefer — and will push for — a brand new phone with a restart on the warranty period. Not sure what to do about the iPad.
What about that note to "remove the shortcut container from the iCloud account" from the thread? Can that be done? As an end user, I can’t get to that element.
Really, I’m not demeaning your individual efforts, and I realize that you’re hamstrung by what’s possible from your support level, but I am requesting that you please, please connect me with someone who has the resources, information, access, and latitude to actually fix this problem. I don’t want to speak with another rep who is lateral to you, because that would serve no purpose. I would like to be escalated to, or moved closer to, engineering itself. This is a terrible, terrible waste of time, and is costing me money as well.
Please advise as soon practical, and if possible by end of business Monday 6/8.
And so it goes...