Hi All,
I've recently developed the same issues described on this thread, with a couple added problems.
In my case, Apple pay has never given card issues until now. I have a Debit card, and two credit cards, all Visa, and all through my Bank BB&T.
I had to have my original 6 swapped under apple care due to a faulty NFC sensor and other issues. The replacement was working fine, then I restored to fix a corrupted data problem. I always add my debit card during initial setup because it's stored in iTunes, and that card always adds itself correctly.
When I got everything stable, I decided to add my credit cards back, and just verify them with the bank on monday since they don't work over the weekend.
On doing so, I got the same card not added message in this post shown several times. So thinking there was left over data, I did another restore just to be safe, and the debit card added on setup and activated as expected, but not the credit cards. Then I tried something I didn't see mentioned here. I tried to add the cards to the iPad Air 2 to see if it was just the phone. To my surprise, the cards wouldn't add to the iPad either, and what's strange about that, is the iPad is new within the last couple months, and the only card i ever had added to it was my card stored in iTunes.
I have an open case with Apple, I'm waiting to call the bank on monday to check with them. This clearly seems like a remote issue, not device specific, at least for me, since a device that's never had the cards added to it won't take them.
All my devices are running iOS 9.3.1. I was wondering if anyone had some new solutions to try beyond what i've read here. This is a long thread and it seems like it's still going, It also seems like my situation is slightly different from most here since most are just dealing with a phone and they've all been after a restore, where as a device in my case that's never had the cards added, still won't take them.
I know my cards themselves are fine, as I had just used one to order lunch before trying to add to apple pay, and the other was used to purchase the iPad a couple months ago.