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itunes playback skips. since updating to 12.1

After updating, which I put off as long as I could, my itunes player starts skipping, and crackling during playback of most

songs in my library. It is annoying. Does not do this with Microsoft Media Player. Itunes is my default player. I have heard that

if I uninstall and then reinstall itunes, it will fix the problem. But I am afraid I will lose some of my music. I am backing it up though.

Is this a glitch in the 12.1 update? I am using a desktop dell, with Windows 7.

thank you.

Windows 7

Posted on Jan 7, 2015 3:06 PM

34 replies
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Jan 9, 2015 6:19 AM in response to kathleen11848

Uninstalling and reinstalling iTunes should have no impact on your library though, as always, backing up your complete library (by default, the C:Users\user_name\Music\iTunes folder and all its contents) is wise precaution before proceeding. As the previous response indicated, these symptoms may be indicative of an issue with QuickTime which may be resolved by reinstallation.


Jan 13, 2015 10:51 AM in response to chuck_3rd

Hi Alex,

I followed your recommendation. Did everything in the right order. Re-installed Itunes. I am still having the same problem. Maybe a little worse actually. I don't have this problem with the Windows Media Player. I have disabled enhancements on both. The songs start out skipping and breaking up. As it plays on it does stop, but then starts again with the next song. I cannot think of anything else to do. Made sure all my drivers are up to date, windows update is also up to date. Please let me know if there is something else I can do.

Thank you.



Feb 3, 2015 12:17 AM in response to kathleen11848

Same here - I've completely uninstalled and cleaned up the install afterwards (registry and the various file locations where iTunes stores files) and re-installed. This had little effect, if anything the problem seems worse.

Rebooting my machine seemed to have an effect. I was listening to a podcast and changed to a track in my library to check something quick and then went back to the podcast and it started it's skippy nonsense again. I haven't restarted again to see if this has any bearing - I'll try again later but need to do my actual work for now.

Hopefully someone, if not Apple, finds resolution to this. Pretty sure though that it's going to require a program fix of some sort...or someone figures out a decent workaround. At a minimum I can report that restarting the audio subsystem in Windows doesn't help any.


Feb 3, 2015 5:43 AM in response to aliceza

There is an alternative downloader for 64-bit editions of Windows here:

iTunes 12.1 for Windows (64-bit — for older video cards)

that seems to address the playback issues that some users have been reporting with the full 64-bit version (the alternative installer here is the same architecture as most previous "64-bit" versions of iTunes, i.e., a 32-bit application with a 64-bit installer). The "for older video cards" label appears to be something of a misnomer as some people have reported that this corrects problems found on current / high-spec systems.

Some users have reported that after installing this alternative version it is necessary to adjust the "Play audio using:" selection in Edit > Preferences > Playback to restore glitch-free audio.


Feb 7, 2015 11:49 PM in response to hhgttg27

This worked somewhat for me. The playback runs smoothly but after maybe like an hour or so it'll slowly become worse and worse, but can be easily fixed when I close and restart iTunes. Hopefully there'll be a more permanent solution, but for now this is so much better than before. Thanks!


Feb 8, 2015 12:54 PM in response to crzyaznfrk

I just got an update for Itunes , something about the 64-bit improvement. I installed the update and it seemed that this worked to stop the breaking up of the songs. Short-lived however. Today, it is doing it again and sometimes it seems worse. I will now try uninstalling and re-installing with the 64-bit. that was suggested by Alex. Fingers crossed. Thank you everyone for your input and suggestions.


Feb 8, 2015 2:34 PM in response to kathleen11848

Hi Kathleen,

Sometimes, this issue happens when the latest iTunes was not installed properly or was interrupted during the installation process. Don't worry, all you have to do as you are using a Windows computer is to uninstall iTunes and all its components. Meaning, not only iTunes but the quicktime player and others as well. Then install the latest version of iTunes. Your music will not be deleted since they are on your hard drive but it is still okay to have a backup of them, in that way double prevention is already done.

To uninstall completely iTunes (including its components), please read these articles:

iTunes 11.1.4 for Windows: Unable to install or open


Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista or Windows 7


Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP


Note: Titles you purchased from the iTunes Store or imported from CDs are saved in your iTunes folder by default and are not deleted by uninstalling iTunes. Backing up your iTunes library regularly is recommended.

After successfully uninstalling iTunes, please ensure you have upgraded to the latest Service Pack for Windows by installing all updates available to you on Microsoft Windows Update:


Once you have the latest Service Pack for Windows installed, download and install iTunes for Windows:


I trust all will be okay. Take care.


Feb 8, 2015 2:59 PM in response to kathleen11848

If the advice you've already had in this thread doesn't resolve things you could try this alternate version:

iTunes for Windows (64-bit - for older video cards) - itunes64setup.exe (2015-01-28)

which is a 64-bit installer for the 32-bit version of the core application, similar to previous 64-bit releases. This appears to have helped other users with the same symptoms.

Or roll back to the previous build:



itunes playback skips. since updating to 12.1

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