This is is related to nsurlsessiond, which is a subroutine used for iCloud. I have found NO fix for this at this time, but Apple engineers are aware of it.
While you can delay iPhoto syncing through iPhoto preference (delay by one day), this is temporary and does not resolve the issue.
Things I have tried:
rebooting, reinstalling 10.10.3 in Safe Mode and Recovery mode, PRAM reset, NVRAM reset, etc.
None of this solved my intermittent wifi on/off randomly issue.
You can confirm this is the issue on your computer using the following:
1) Open Actiivity Monitor (in Applications/Utility folder) click on Network, then type nsurlsessoind in the search box (upper right). If your computer has been on for a while it may show a huge amount of data sent out (uploaded) in both the Sent Bytes filed (usually recycles at 1.2Gb) and below int he Data Sent field.
2) Now turn on your Airport Utility (also in the Applications/Utility folder) and your network will either show green (on) or orange (off). You can force the internet to come back on by going back to Activity Monitor, highlighting nsurlsessiond and force quitting (click X in upper left menu bar) it multiple times (it will keep coming back up but if you do it enough times it will interrupt the upload (graph at the bottom) and wifi will be restored temporarily as shown in Airport Utility allowing to get an email or web page loaded before it bogs back down again.
3) Note however, that even thought the network is OFF data is STILL being sent out (uploaded) as long as your computer is hooked to the internet (wifi or ethernet). Also when the network is out your other internal connected devices (wifi if you are using an Time Capsule or Airport). This is because your network runs through your computer (it is set up last the DHCP host and NAT controller).
4) if you have a Time Capsule, Airport or router you can isolate your DHCP/NAT Mac by turning off wifi and disconnecting ethernet just to that computer. Your Router (Time Capsule/Airport) will restore internet service from your modem to your other devices. But of course your Mac will not be connected to anything now.
I am playing around with restarting iPhoto by opening with the Command/Option keys pressed and rebuilding the database to see if that may have some effect.
Again Apple engineers are aware of this issue, you are not alone. The above work around will allow your other devices to have wifi through your router and you may continue to use your Mac offline.