Where are my iTunes Radio Stations?
Where are my iTunes Radio Stations? I used to have them on my iPhone right after I updated to the newer version of iTunes, but now they're gone.
iPhone 5s, iOS 8.4
Where are my iTunes Radio Stations? I used to have them on my iPhone right after I updated to the newer version of iTunes, but now they're gone.
iPhone 5s, iOS 8.4
(On desktop) I don't see Recently Played, or any way at all to get to "my" radio stations. I guess they're not mine, nor are they stations. They're just ad-hoc temporary song focusers. This is ridiculous. If you look in the list tab you can see the SONGS played but the radio station is now a cropped piece of text saying "Played from <blah> Radio on <mac.....". (Just like Microsoft UI in terms of care...) Hello Apple, maybe you need to get out of this biz and leave it up to professionals?
Hey romance fan,
Your radio stations should still be in the Music application on your iPhone. This article describes more about functionality of Apple Music Radio -
Listen to Apple Music Radio - Apple Support
Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
Happy computing,
Brett L
The question was about the iTunes Radio Stations, not Apple Music. After the iOS update to 8.4, the stations created in iTunes Radio are gone, as well as if you update to iTunes 12.2. I managed to revert my iTunes to 12.1 and they are back (see attached picture). You can start a new station from a song, and you can see "recently played" stations, but it's not what it used to be.
It seems that Apple has let iTunes Radio in it's previous form disappear, and now is just a watered-down version of what it used to be, obviously in a bid to persuade users to move to the the more customizable but also more expensive Apple Radio.
Extra disappointing because iTunes Radio without ads was part of the iTunes Match subscription, so by reducing the functionality of iTunes Radio, I don't feel like I'm getting what I paid for anymore.
I have to second paulmanac's comment. I've already paid for iTunes Radio with the iTunes Match. You've taken away functionality I've already paid for.
How do we get iTunes Radio back??!
I have 12.2 and I see the screen that is posted here.
deggie : Do you see stations you've created? I don't.
On a side note, you can create a station from a song in your library (basically starting over) by clicking on the three ellipses next to the song or album. Unfortunately it's only worked for 1 of 4 artists I've tried. Doesn't work at all with any of the background music I listen to at work. It just goes to a blank play screen and does nothing. So not only is iTunes Music replaced with Beats, it's broken.
Really? For me, it disappeared, and I only had "Recently Played" and it defaulted the names back to whatever the original seed song was. I also have no "My Stations" on my iOS devices anymore, just "Recently Played" and "Featured."
I will upgrade iTunes on a lesser-used machine when I get a chance and will see if something has changed (perhaps this tab is generated in a way it can be updated without updating iTunes).
I noticed that as well... if I tried a few times, eventually it would work. Otherwise it would just load a blank screen like you said. I didn't notice it being a different artist, it just seemed to be repeatedly trying over and over it would eventually create a station.
Dear Apple, as a faithful user since 1989, when you launched Radio as a part of iTunes I dropped iHeart and set up a very large number of my own radio stations on iTunes. I am really disappointed that you simply took away my radio stations. I hope you see this message because I am now going back to iHeart.
I'd like to chime in as well about loosing my beloved radio stations. But it gets worse. I used to switch stations using Serri but she can't find them so I have to pull over and go through my history. Great way to cause accidents Apple. This is the same crap they pulled in the 90s. Maybe Apple can't survive without Jobs. Android anyone?
I found my previous iTunes radio stations. In the radio section if you select "recently played" you can scroll down and find the stations you created in iTunes radio. At least that worked for me.
Unfortunately, it only shows stations that have been played recently. Some of my stations tailed off and don't show. Also, it defaults them back to being named whatever you seeded the radio station with, not what you customized the name to be. You also still can't edit the station to add artists and songs you'd like to hear more of or less of, and that slider that let you change from more hits to more discovery.
Attached below you'll see these options I am talking about. In this particular case, it's now called "First Suite in E-Flat" and not "Instrumentals." I still haven't had a chance to update iTunes on my spare laptop so I can show a proper comparison, but I think anybody who used these options before Apple Music and 12.2 probably knows what I'm getting at. Since it's all still there using 12.1, hopefully it's something that will return in a future update of iTunes.
Radio->Recently Played.......your selected radio stations will appear.
Thanks so much for accurately describing this situation. I had about ten well-tailored radio stations I had spent weeks developing, then with the new update, they all disappeared. Having paid a fee for iTunes Match, I feel Apple has breached their trust with me, as well as with everyone else who purchased the iTunes Match service. It seems to be a thinly veiled ploy to get me to purchase Apple Music. Simple fact: I did not need Apple Music when iTunes Match was what I paid for. I'm certainly NOT going to purchase it now; the marketplace is large and Apple is losing my business.
I'm disappointed that as a specialist you were not immediately able to recognize and provide a relevant/helpful response to romance fan's question. Perhaps you can answer my question: What is Apple's official reason for gutting the radio we paid for?
Where are my iTunes Radio Stations?