What is Advanced Mac Cleaner?
A window keeps popping up for an an app called Advanced Mac Cleaner. Is this legit? Should I do it or is it a third party scam?
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MacBook Pro
A window keeps popping up for an an app called Advanced Mac Cleaner. Is this legit? Should I do it or is it a third party scam?
MacBook Pro
I have this pop-up on my computer as well after updating Frostwire, but when I follow these steps the files listed show up nowhere on my computer, not even 1. I dont know where this thing is hiding?
Thank you VERY much Linc. Your instructions were perfect. Noticed the same thing upon seeing a flash out of date message in Firefox. Don't normally use Firefox so I just thought my Flash Player was out of date in it. When it was installing I was not paying a lot of attention and noticed the ZIPCloud and MacCleaner names being downloaded. Then Maccleaner window popped up to scan. I force quit, removed the apps, then went online and found your great reply. Now found the "amc" folder you mentioned and removed it as well.
Feel pretty lucky right now. Ha.
Thanks Ren. Just saw your note and you are right. Removed!
I'm having the same problem with my MacPro. It's an older on from like 2010. I've tried the steps you mentioned, but I can't find anything on my computer. I did go crazy last week deleting everything I could think of to try and get rid of it, but it's still there when I go to my Disk Utility. I've got Apple UDIF read-only compressed (bzip2) Media which is a Flash Player and Apple UDIF read-only compressed (zlib) Media which is the AdvancedMacCleaner. But I can't find any other trace of them on my computer, and they won't erase.
I had the same issue after following the steps. I finally searched around for reviews of reputable adware removal for Macs (I didn't even know they existed - I always assumed Macs just didn't get viruses or "crapware") and tried Malwarebytes at https://www.malwarebytes.org/
It managed to find those last hidden files and had AMC gone within seconds. I should have just used it to begin with, given all the time I spent file hunting, lol!
Here what it look's like,
Lucky I didn't press "Start Repair" I suspected it was not from Apple.
I beleave I got this when I downloaded FileZilla (a free software for FTP.), from well know reputable company.
2nd image was what I got yesterday, and now Today I get a game. Wow!
I read the above post (page one 2nd entry ) and it's not working for me it can not find the files?
I think since I work on Mac (1988) this is the 2nd malware/virus that get that I am aware of.
I have downloaded https://www.malwarebytes.org/ it deffenetly found Mac cleaner and look's like it fixed my problem.
Thanks you nursethalia
Terence Devlin wrote:
I also used Clean My Mac 3 to help me uninstall all files related to the file
And that's even worse...
I have recently been using a program called "MacClean." Is this also a scam? It appears to speed computers up at least for a while...It's also been fairly handy in removing applications. Anyone else use this or know anything about it?
jehrke7 wrote:
I have recently been using a program called "MacClean." Is this also a scam? It appears to speed computers up at least for a while...It's also been fairly handy in removing applications. Anyone else use this or know anything about it?
You do not need any app that claims to protect, clean, boost performance, manage, etc. You only need to follow this advice: Effective defenses against malware and other threats
The fundamental problem with these 'cleaning' or 'performance' applications that they can delete files that should not be deleted that can thus corrupt your MBP. It is best to avoid them all.
yes, it's possibly the biggest scam in the mac community. And years after it's release it still thrives and makes unsubstantiated claims that it's been reviewed and recommended by credible sources. Search for it on these forums and you will see how many systems it's incapacitated. It's the Monorail episode of the Simpsons in software form.
jehrke7 wrote:
I have recently been using a program called "MacClean." Is this also a scam? It appears to speed computers up at least for a while...It's also been fairly handy in removing applications. Anyone else use this or know anything about it?
Yes, it's a scam. Macs do not need any application that claims it will clean, organize, refresh, optimize, or otherwise perform any other kind of maintenance on the computer. I also don't think it's necessary to use a 3rd party program to delete anything from the computer, be it a file or an application. Applications can be easily removed by either dragging and dropping into the Trash or by using the uninstaller that came with the download. You should never, never use any such program to remove an OS X component like Safari, iTunes, or Mail — they are built into the operating system and cannot be removed. Attempting to do so can damage the operating system.
Absolutely, 100% agree with the third party apps. Can't agree with removing OS X installed apps. I remove them all the time. Almost all of the apps installed by OS X in the Applications folder and the Utilities folder can be removed with zero effect on the OS. They're just applications, not OS components.
Of the very few that shouldn't be removed is Automator. The OS itself does use that one for some background functions. You can otherwise delete darn near anything else. Safari is just a browser, the same as Firefox or Chrome. Removing Safari does nothing but remove a web browser from your Mac. Mail is nothing but an email client. It also has zero connection to the operation of the OS. Same with Font Book and many other apps.
This is all I have of the apps OS X installed on a separate partition of El Capitan in the Applications folder. Even those (other than Automator) the OS does not need. I leave them only because I occasionally use them. The rest went in the trash. The OS runs perfectly fine without them.
App Store
DVD Player
Image Capture
QuickTime Player
System Preferences
jehrke7 wrote:
I have recently been using a program called "MacClean." Is this also a scam? It appears to speed computers up at least for a while...It's also been fairly handy in removing applications. Anyone else use this or know anything about it?
Yes, it is a scam
What is Advanced Mac Cleaner?