Verification failed : There was an error connecting to apple id server
After updating to iOS9 I can not sign into iCloud and restore my backup. Now I do not have access to anything on my iPad air. Any way to fix this?
iPad Air, iOS 9.0.1
After updating to iOS9 I can not sign into iCloud and restore my backup. Now I do not have access to anything on my iPad air. Any way to fix this?
iPad Air, iOS 9.0.1
This what I did to get it working:
Go to Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings
Once it restarts, just re-input your wifi password. Go back into Settings and check ITunes & App Store, FaceTime, and iCloud to make sure that your Apple accounts are signed in.
Not sure what causes it but each time it does, I've reset the network settings and it resolves the issue.
This what I did to get it working:
Go to Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings
Once it restarts, just re-input your wifi password. Go back into Settings and check ITunes & App Store, FaceTime, and iCloud to make sure that your Apple accounts are signed in.
Not sure what causes it but each time it does, I've reset the network settings and it resolves the issue.
A friend of mine has had the exact same problem and we went through all suggestions. In the end, all she needed to do was log into her Apple account via Safari and everything sprung into life for some reason!
Nope. It keeps saying that a sign in is required after i put in my password. But i use family sharing, so if u have someone else who gets the app you want, you can download it by going into Appstore>Updates >and there name. The app should appear there.
A useful loophole if your stuck
iPhone 6 IOS updated and phone started freezing and wi-fi is off. Tried to turn on wi-fi but the toggle is disabled. Tried to restore but need to turn off Find My Iphone; went to turn off Find My iPhone and entered Apple ID and password, got message an error occurred with iCloud verification. Tried to sign out of iCloud, same message. Deleted device from; phone came back when connected to iTune. Deleted from iPad, phone came back when connected to iTune. Went through these steps more than dozen times started Friday evening, all Saturday afternoon with Apple Support Chat, and phone, all Sunday morning at Apple Store with rep trying to recover. The phone is only 1.5 years old, and is deemed unrecoverable; logic board is corrupt is the conclusion. What a piece of overpriced, useless piece of metal; lost money, the entire weekend, and all other times the phone stopped working; stressed to no end for no reason. I have to pay for a new phone and I'm stuck with Apple because all data is now connected with Apple; more hassle to move off of it; it's a conspiracy. You'd think Apple will come up with something better; it was supposed to be designed to simplify lives but has caused more necessary stress to our daily lives. I still don't have a phone. where's the recourse.
If you have Disney Circle or some other child filtering on, please make sure they have access to the icloud website via safari. I had my son's device paused and the error message was less than helpful. Once I unpaused his device it worked. So my advice is not only make sure you are connected to wifi, but you can also bring up the icloud website via Safari.
Send Apple feedback. They won't answer, but at least will know there is a problem or a suggestion for change. If enough people send feedback, it may get the problem/suggested change solved sooner.
I just had this problem and was able to solve it thus...
Check your Wi-Fi is connecting to the correct network for you.
Here in the UK our home provider is BT. Their gateway router gives out a personal network for our home but also a public network that goes out into the street to create a cloud called BTWifi-with-FON. For some reason the iPad and (sometimes our phones) occasionally connects to this instead of our home network, and this public network appears to have higher security levels and won't allow iCloud password to connect to Apple Servers.
Even if this is not the case for you I'd suggest turning Wi-Fi off and back on on your iPad or phone as given the well documented problems of iPads and Wi-Fi this might well remedy this problem anyway!
Thanks! This fixed a bunch of problems I was having, including the inability to connect to cellular (Searching for service . . . ). This was driving me nuts for at least week. Recycling power, resetting network setting, nothing seemed to work. When I logged out and back in as mentioned above, then rebooted everything started working fine.
Thank you SOOOOO much! I'm so stupid. I had no idea that the computer required power AND an internet connection. I've spent weeks trying to figure this out and all I had to do was go online. Wow. Thanks again!!!! DeRicaurte
I can log on, with multiple users set up, on my computer, but when I log on using my "HOME" user, I cannot access icloud or apps. Which means I cannot buy anything on the app store or iTunes Apple. You'd think you'd want to fix it. :-)
This post helped me. There isn't an option for forgetting this network, however, I got an extender to which I was able to connect and that helped me to get past this error. I did hard reset to the phone, and it was giving me this 'Verification failed' error consistently irrespective of any apple ID account I was using. Thanks Luws1 for direction.
None of these solutions helped me as my problem wasn't an iPhone. I was able to log on to apps, icloud, etc. on the Macmini with other users, but not my home user. I worked with APPLE Support (Kevin was excellent) and we discovered a setting in my keychain was fouling things up. I may have inadvertently changed it at one point, you know, "human" error. Under Keychains>preferences>certificates there is a setting "Online Certificate Status Protocol:
Best Attempt
Require if certificate indicates
Some time in the past I may have seen the "require" and thought, "that sounds like a good idea" and chose it, maybe, maybe not (I don't recall). However, when we changed to "Best Attempt" and rebooted I was now able to log on.
I tried Safe Mode, deleting accounts, changing passwords, library preference changes, various library cache deletions, changes in my firewall, changes with resets, checking dates/times, everything listed here and much more. I tried all the ideas here that might work with a computer vs. a phone.
Check your keychain certificates.
I spent about 15 hours on this on and off over a period of about 6 months. When Kevin and I finally got a chance to focus on the issue (and he had researched since we last spoke about five weeks ago) we handled in in under an hour.
Good luck. 😎
Sorry to hear that. Mine was a last ditch, Hail Mary, Let's try this after everything else. So, if you've tried everything else, you might want to get in contact with Apple Support. It was a long haul for me.
I resolved this problem finally as follows.
Celluar-->Apps Using WLAN & Cellular-->Settings-->WLAN & Cellular Data
The reason is that I disallow the setting to use my cellular data so that it cannot connect to the server.
In regards to the answers: There really should be some way to differentiate between the people who can't sign on through their computers and have problems with verification, and people who aren't able to figure out the settings on their phones. Turning on WiFi wasn't the issue in most cases. 😉
Verification failed : There was an error connecting to apple id server