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ios 9 automatic download making me furious

Is there any way to prevent auto download of ios updates other than the general settings option for updates which does not impact ios updates but only app updates?

Here's the scenario: I have satellite isp and the forced auto download of IOS 9.0, 9.0.1 and 9.0.2, on multiple ios devices, have utilized all my paid bandwidth for the entire month effectively putting me and my business offline unless I purchase more bandwidth.

It's an issue every single ios update but the rapidity of recent updates and owning multiple ios devices currently have magnified the impact punishingly. This has been complained about for years has never been addressed other than forum posts online suggesting non-solutions like "filling the device so full of data that no more fits", jail breaking my devices, or apple store staff suggesting "disabling wifi", which is akin to a car dealer suggesting one can save gas by not driving ones car after you buy it.

Yes auto up date if off, OFF, OOOOOFFFF, OOOOOOFFFFFF!

Any suggestions disabling ios auto downloads and allowing full functionality of my devices is welcome.

A consideration offered by apple to somehow compensate for all the additional bandwidth purchases over the years is also welcome.

The logic beyond this function is beyond me. Why auto download if its not desired and not requested when the consequences can have such annoying and costly results. I also wonder how many public wifi networks have been steamrolled this month by every apple device trying to download all these updates. Its just impolite at best!

End of rant. Productive comments appreciated. Thanks!

iPad Air Wi-Fi, iOS 9.0.2

Posted on Oct 2, 2015 3:50 PM

177 replies

Oct 2, 2015 5:50 PM in response to rivrwing

I am not sure if you are getting these updates OTA- over the air directly to your iOS devices or not...

but I control it this way -

In iTunes >preferences > devices > check "prevent... from Syncing automatically"


iTunes >preferences > Advanced tab uncheck "check for new software updates automatically"

and I always disconnect my computer from the internet before I am about to connect my device to iTunes to back it up or sync it.

I do not allow my devices to backup to iCloud.

On my iOS devices when I see the little badge with the number 1 on it, I look at settings >general and

if I see "Software Update" with a number next to it- I do NOT click that arrow to see what it is.

you might also want to see if you have something set on with your carrier on your account page -

some updates setting to turn off.

Hope this helps.

Oct 2, 2015 7:15 PM in response to PI-blog

How to block the IOS 8 download and I assume other versions of ios

You need to see if you router allows your to block certain web sites. Get a wifi router that does. Block access to this address:

There was a note in the ios 9 video that notes that businesses using an MDM can block automatic ios downloads. or something along this line.

http://www.enterpriseios.com/story/2013/09/17/How_to_use_DNS_to_block_iOS_7_and_ other_updates_too

edit custom ios versions:


Oct 2, 2015 7:22 PM in response to rivrwing

You can also let Apple know your issues


They won't respond, but you can at least have your issue logged and counted.

the only other way to really stop it isn't really practical in that it involved putting your devices into airplane mode or turn the wifi off when it charges....personally good for the short term but not practical for the long term or for multiple devices.

I have no idea if this is possible but maybe there could be a setting with your iSP to block files larger than a certain size without permission?

Oct 3, 2015 6:32 AM in response to rivrwing

I'm furious with Apple!!!

Apple ate all my AT&T data plan because I turn on Personal Hotspot in my iPhone and in a sneaky way it downloaded iOS 9 to my iPad. Shame on you Apple. I don't want to upgrade until all the kinks are worked out. But Apple keep forcing people to upgrade to the latest iOS only to find out later on that is all buggy or that it simply brings my iOS device obsolete because it slogs with the latest upgrade. I don't want to use my cellular data to do upgrades for crying out loud!

STOP FORCING US TO UPGRADE.....................!

Oct 3, 2015 7:55 AM in response to PI-blog

Thanks for the suggests PI-Blog. The only thing I have not done here is "iTunes >preferences > Advanced tab uncheck "check for new software updates automatically" ". I have taken that step and will see what happens in the future but honestly I'm not sure how that would prevent my hardware from checking and downloading as this is an iTunes software setting?

And to clarify, yes it is happening over the air. I stay connected to iTunes minimally and only to sync manually. Your thought about going offline while connected to iTunes is interesting but I am not believing the ios download happens during sync? Can you confirm if you are certain that this is is when it may happen?

Oct 9, 2015 9:27 AM in response to Get Kidnapped

You are fortunate in that you can now at least delete the unwanted update. When iOS 7 was first released and auto-pushed to devices, Apple did not provide a means to delete the update which took up ~3.2GB of storage space. Users of 8GB devices (yes, they do exist, my wife had an 8GB iPhone 4) suddenly had nearly no free storage space on their devices. The only easy way to get it off of your device was to actually install it.

You can delete the auto-pushed update under:

Settings/General/Storage & iCloud Usage/Storage/Manage Storage. Pick the iOS update from the list, tap on it and tap Delete App.

If you are running iOS 7 or 8, the exact location mentioned above may not match exactly since it was changed a bit in iOS 9. I'm sure you'll be able to find it with what I provided.

Also, be warned that it may indeed be re-pushed to your device again without your permission nor knowledge so keep checking the section above and delete it again. 😐

Oct 9, 2015 9:36 AM in response to Lowlander

Lowlander wrote:


I got the same feelings about this when I realized that the update had sneakily taken place behind my back.

Just a thought:

I wonder if Apple keeps pushing these IOS updates when you're logged out of your Apple account?

Settings>App Store and iTunes Store>AppleID>Log out

iPhone 6 - IOS 9

IPad 3

As far as I know, iOS update never automatically takes place without user consent. iOS download gets pushed automatically when your device is charging, connected to the internet over WiFi and there's sufficient free space. It'll inform you when download completes and ready to install. However, if you ignore the message to install the update, your device operating systems will never be upgraded.

iTunes Store has nothing to do with iOS automatic download. The fact that you're signed out of iTunes store will not stop iOS update automatic download. Just block access to mesu.apple.com on your wireless router and be done with it.

Oct 9, 2015 9:46 AM in response to ShagCA

ShagCA wrote:

Just block access to mesu.apple.com on your wireless router and be done with it.

This works well and I have used it for a couple of years now (since iOS 7 was released). The thing to watch out for is when you connect to a different network that does not have the block setup/in place (not your own, personal network). In that case, you are again fair game to the auto-pushed update.

Oct 9, 2015 1:58 PM in response to SergZak

SergZak wrote:

The thing to watch out for is when you connect to a different network that does not have the block setup/in place (not your own, personal network). In that case, you are again fair game to the auto-pushed update.

Yes indeed. It works well for me because I never connect my iPad to the charger when I'm not home.

ios 9 automatic download making me furious

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