new emoji's showing up as question marks
Is there a problem with the new emoji's? When I send them in a text my recipient is receiving a question mark in a box. Please advise if this is a known problem.
iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 9.1
Is there a problem with the new emoji's? When I send them in a text my recipient is receiving a question mark in a box. Please advise if this is a known problem.
iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 9.1
Both devices have to support the correct Unicode set. For the iPhone, the both have to be on iOS 9.1. If not, they will see the question mark.
Yes, same thing here. The default predictive text is the question mark with a box when you type "I". You have to push the "I" option in predictive text in order for the odd box not too appear. Even if it appears correct before sending it will sometimes switch to the box on the other side. This started Monday II think. Very annoying,,,, Either fix it or we will all soon be using "I" as a question mark to adapt :-)
the new emojis come as part of the fonts installed with iOS 11.1. If your friends don’t have 11.1 installed, they will see a box with a ? Inside...
Easy solution: they should upgrade to 11.1 and they will see the emoji.
I meant to reply to the most recent question, posted while using iOS 11, not to the original poster.
srhea21 wrote:
I'm having the same issue! I'm going to need this issue to be resolved asap.
The resolution is that the people you're sending to have to have the software to receive and display the emoji. If they don't there is nothing you or Apple can do about it.
The issue people are having is not with emoji's at all. It's that capital "I"'s are coming up as a capital A, a couple of spaces, and a question mark in a box.
Personally I'm also having an issue on my laptop on Facebook where capital "I"s are coming up as an exclamation point a couple of spaces, and a stack of 6 short horizontal lines.
What is going on???
JPH wrote:
The issue people are having is not with emoji's at all. It's that capital "I"'s are coming up as a capital A, a couple of spaces, and a question mark in a box.
That is a known issue. It's also not what this thread is about.
Definitely makes sense, as I only turned predictive text on for the first time a couple of days ago. But would my having predictive text turned on cause me to see these issues in messages FROM other people TO me?
Katbrom wrote:
Same thing here. When I type the letter “i” an “a” with the question mark box is inserted instead. It is SUPER frustrating!! There has to be a fix soon.
Yes, it's a known issue and not the subject of this thread. I linked to some of the other threads about your issue. It is more polite to keep to the subject of the thread. This one is now getting hijacked by people with a completely different problem.
tammy! wrote:
Is there a problem with the new emoji's? When I send them in a text my recipient is receiving a question mark in a box. Please advise if this is a known problem.
Who are you exactly sending the emjoi too? An Android/iphone?
If they are seeing a question mark, the issue isn't with your phone but with their phones.
so no there is no problem with the new emojis...
ChrisJ4203 wrote:
Both devices have to support the correct Unicode set. For the iPhone, the both have to be on iOS 9.1. If not, they will see the question mark.
Not necessary, other user would need to be on IOS 9.0 or higher, but not on 9.1.
As soon as the new emoji came out I sent out an group imessage and other users in the group was able to view the emojis even though they weren't on 9.1
They do need to be on iOS 9.1
I was on iOS 9.0.2 yesterday and got a ? and a color block when someone sent me the middle finger. I updated 15 minutes later to iOS 9.1 and I could see it. There are tons of new Emojis being added to iOS 9.1
Pmintz25 wrote:
They do need to be on iOS 9.1
I was on iOS 9.0.2 yesterday and got a ? and a color block when someone sent me the middle finger. I updated 15 minutes later to iOS 9.1 and I could see it. There are tons of new Emojis being added to iOS 9.1
Sorry but everyone in my group text could see it, but I was the only one on 9.1.
Well, I have my iPad here on iOS 9.0.2, and my iPhone is on iOS 9.1. I was observing a message thread with my adult children, and one of them used one of the new emoji, and it showed up on my Phone, but as a box with a question mark on the iPad. Go figure.
new emoji's showing up as question marks