Where is the flash for the camera on ipad pro
i have just purchsed the new ipad pro, can anyone tell me how i find the flash for the camera please as it is not displayed on the camera screen.
thanks in advance
iPad, iOS 9.0.2, Ipad pro
i have just purchsed the new ipad pro, can anyone tell me how i find the flash for the camera please as it is not displayed on the camera screen.
thanks in advance
iPad, iOS 9.0.2, Ipad pro
As mentioned previously, the iPad Pro 9.7" has a flash. The iPad Pro 12.9" does not.
I believe that is one of the dual microphones. Earlier iPads only had one. Newer ones have 2.
Oops! You're so correct. I have both, so should have got it right 😊 Hopefully the next iPad Pro 12.9" will have a flash.
No iPad, including the iPad Pro, includes or has ever included a flash LED. That is not a feature of any current or past iPad.
Thanks, I didn't realize it was the first iPad to include a flash.
Michael Black wrote:
Thanks, I didn't realize it was the first iPad to include a flash.
No problem.
It should be
I just purchased the iPad Pro for my hubby and it indeed does have a flash for camera use and taking video. He just used it now
My iPad Pro does not have a flash and it less than a year old
You purchased the 9.7 iPad? I'm referring to the 12.9 iPad Pro
Do you know the steps to turn thed flash on/off
Where is the flash for the camera on ipad pro