You say: ... In these circumstances, after force quitting Safari, turn off Wi-Fi or disconnect Ethernet, depending on how you connect to the Internet. Then relaunch Safari normally. It will try to reload the malicious webpage, but without a connection, it won't be able to.
So you are saying to turn off the wifi and with the wifi off, relaunch Safari --is that correct?
then you say: Navigate away from that page by entering a different URL, i.e., and trying to load it. Now you can reconnect to the Internet, and the page you entered will appear rather than the malicious one.
At what point does one turn the wifi back on? I don't find it clear from your description.
I read it as turn wifi off, relaunch Safari (and since wifi off it can't connect malicious webpage)...........but then what: keep wifi of and put in a trustworthy site like --------or at that point turn wifi back on and then go to