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anyone else tired of forced Ios updates?

So... I got an I Pad air 2 & an I phone 6...

Of course unlike most here i do not wish to upgrade my 2 apple products.

And! I can't stand pushing that pop up twice a day... APPLE NEED TO STOP HARASSING ME! 😟

And no, it is not for a Jailbreak, but for this simple reason:I like my product to last more then a couple of years before slowing down to a turtle stop!

Believe it or not, i have an Iphone 3g and 4 hanging in a drawer somewhere.

Never updated them,no Jailbreak and they are still as fast (almost) as day 1!

<Edited by Host>

iPad Air, iOS 9.2, null

Posted on Feb 3, 2016 5:35 PM

170 replies

Nov 25, 2017 8:06 AM in response to ThomasD3

I installed the profile. Not sure yet about the phone itself asking for updates, I'll see over time.

Now, when plugging the phone in, I still get this from iTunes.

User uploaded file

I found this online (on Cisco's site)

  • mesu.apple.com - Apple's Mobile Asset Software Update service. Provides an XML file with information about available iOS updates. When blocked, devices cannot determine that a new update is available.
  • appldnld.apple.com - (Optional) Apple's iOS and software repository. Where devices will actually download the iOS update from. However, other software and updates are also provided by this URL. Blocking may not be desirable in all environments.

I will try to block those on my router and we'll see what happens.


The notification is still there with iTunes, but the download of the update fails when I block these two domains, so it's a half win.

Apr 25, 2017 2:00 PM in response to babowa

I think the smartphones bring something positive and overall the iphone has a lot of nice features, but apple's obsession with control is ruining the experience and giving me a total disgust.

I know that when I switch to android I'll have similar problems but at least I can gain total control of my phone and disable some of the stuff I don't like.

The real solution is through legislation; if we stop massive data collection, force companies to let 3rd parties access the os and do repairs, then we'll regain control of our devices; in the meantime, I'm using one only because it's convenient, but it doesn't bring me any joy and I certainly don't recommend it to anyone.

Dec 13, 2017 8:47 PM in response to ckuan

You might be right I am already considering going back to a flip phone. It is much cheaper and why do I really need a ipad and iPhone which is kind of redundant and quite expensive in data cost and smart phones have extra cost because well the companies can. I bought the first gen ipad and the last upgrade bricked it and no way to go back it became more of a book reader and watch movies but internet crashed, apps crashed. Apple and Microsoft are trying to make it so we don't own anything and have no say, well that's not going to work for me.

Feb 3, 2018 4:14 PM in response to Philcavana

Yes! Super tired! My phone keeps trying to prompt me to update, especially when I am tapping at my phone doing something else; I fear I will accidentally hit yes, and it'll just do it. I hate that the phone downloads the new update without asking me, making it even more likely it will install it. The iOS updates always make the phone slower and there is nothing new I find useful. I went from iPhone 4 to iPhone 7, but that's just because apps became so resource consuming that they wouldn't run anymore even though they don't need to be to perform the same functions. I essentially use my iPhone 7 today to do the same things I did with my iPhone 4 in 2010. It's planned obsolescence, made worse by being forced on you. And then there are the multitude of unnecessary requirements to update to access functions you already had before; I had to update my iOS to restore my iPhone, which I do because it unnecessarily accumulates clutter files somewhere that occupy space and make it run more slowly, although I don't know how much I'm improving the phone by installing the new iOS. I wish they just came up with a light iOS and light versions of the most common apps so that you can still use the basic functionality but not all the extra stuff that consumes computing power and you don't use anyways.

Feb 3, 2018 10:55 PM in response to MichelPM

Well I saw a chap respond about cameras and things in the relationship with iDevices.

If you cant afford regularly buying new iPads like once every 3 years in order to keep up with performance and productivity ., and only have the option to use an iPad until it dies or being eco-freindly reducing the landfill of electronic garbage to have consideration for the planet over capitalism causing planned obselesence...

Use iPhone for your banking/social media and what not (for security reasons, if you don't want to update iPad in fear of loosing performance)... and use iPad for productivity apps only, such as painting/astropad/logic remote/ doing documents etc... an extension of your Mac. Focus on updating the iPhone, thats if you get them via contract deals , instead of buying them with cash/card. Its easy to keep up to date with hardware and software that way...

These little devices can now do what you could only do on a desktop 20 years ago, in dealing with financial tasks.

Old iPhones you can donate to people who just need a phone for text/calling and nothing really smart.... or reuse them as ipods

Nov 24, 2017 7:51 PM in response to ThomasD3

I actually agree and do not allow automatic updates (I have no problem with space, but I prefer making a decision as to when I'd like to do a download); however, ranting and complaining here is not helpful. Why? Because a) we are all other users here and have no influence on Apple making policy changes and b) you are violating the ToU of these forums.


Dec 13, 2017 2:37 PM in response to Kekeller65

Kekeller65 wrote:

yeah apple tends to maybe not force but does brow beat us with the multiple reminders to upgrade. We should be able to say NO, and that's the end of it.

Submit your feedback to Apple here:


Meanwhile, you may want to take a look at what the security components were in a lot of those updates:


Mar 16, 2018 8:30 AM in response to ThomasD3

I don't have that problem at all on the Mac, I can update when I want and it will never shut down in the middle of something important, take my space, etc without me initiating the process.

Well, changes are coming to Mac OS; here is a link to the latest licensing agreement - see the bold in section 2 Q in particular:


Somewhat different wording in the iOS licensing agreement (section 2 i):


Mar 24, 2017 9:34 AM in response to Philcavana

I couldn't agree more with this. I am very annoyed at having system updates notifications on my vintage iMac. Clicking on what they are shows almost always iTunes update nonsense including games I don't even have on the device anymore.

Apple will keep doing this until they have rendered your device obsolete. Case in point is the next generation AppleTv which upon examination no longer has an optical output. In other words, Apple decided to cheapen it. They don't even instruct the buyer on how to connect his nice surround sound system to this updated nonsense. Word is that, should one elect to keep this new junk hardware item, he will have to keep his entire surround system turned on to get any audio. So long AppleTv! The "new" was returned.

Mar 28, 2017 7:18 AM in response to moatfrog

moatfrog wrote:

I couldn't agree more with this. I am very annoyed at having system updates notifications on my vintage iMac. Clicking on what they are shows almost always iTunes update nonsense including games I don't even have on the device anymore.

Apple will keep doing this until they have rendered your device obsolete. Case in point is the next generation AppleTv which upon examination no longer has an optical output. In other words, Apple decided to cheapen it. They don't even instruct the buyer on how to connect his nice surround sound system to this updated nonsense. Word is that, should one elect to keep this new junk hardware item, he will have to keep his entire surround system turned on to get any audio. So long AppleTv! The "new" was returned.

Hey - imagine my surprise when the usb speakers that came with my G4 Cube & studio display - were not recognized my my 2008 mac pro desktop - using same display. Recently had to fire up the G4 & also noticed how nice and deep the startup chime is -- while the chime on the pro - is really harsh.

Apple may be requiring Wireless connection using an airport type thing. Reasoning - in Snow Leopard at least - the airport software settings have some time to Time Capsule - and no way to tell time machine you are using a USB drive.

Apr 25, 2017 7:37 AM in response to Philcavana

I feel frustrated too; for some people updates could be beneficial, but I don't want bug fixes, I don't want more security, there is nothing of value on my devices.

After Apple's treatment regarding issues I had with a mac, I would have been more than happy to get another phone since I won't buy their products anymore, but unfortunately all modern phones are as annoying and nagging.

I have a 5s on ios 10.1 and it's been annoying me daily to update.. update for what? I mean what do I get from this update? I don't recall any benefit from the previous ones. And if you delete the update file, it will automatically come back, just like herpes.

I have days with updates on the phone, updates on the tablet, updates on osx and updates on windows..

I don't want updates, I don't want better / more secure / improved, etc I'm just tired of it all.

Apr 25, 2017 7:52 AM in response to ThomasD3

ThomasD3 wrote:

I have a 5s on ios 10.1 and it's been annoying me daily to update.. update for what? I mean what do I get from this update? I don't recall any benefit from the previous ones. And if you delete the update file, it will automatically come back, just like herpes.

What you get with 10.3.1 is protection from a hacker who could permanently brick your phone through a bug in the WiFi chip firmware that allows a "drive by" WiFi signal to kill your phone forever. Even if you have nothing of value on your phone, your phone itself has some value. As all smartphones use the same chip, all smartphones are at risk, so it is a really tempting target for hackers. So far only Apple has issued a patch for it; most android phones are still at risk. http://www.zdnet.com/article/iphone-android-hit-by-broadcom-wi-fi-chip-bugs-now- apple-google-plug-flaws/

anyone else tired of forced Ios updates?

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