iOS 9.3 Bluetooth Disconnection Issue
I have noticed what *could* be a bug with iOS 9.3. All my devices using bluetooth now seem to randomly disconnect during usage. All my cars, headphones, bluetooth soundbars etc. have encountered random ~10 second interruptions in connectivity during normal usage. The devices will sometimes reconnect, other times I have to turn the accessory off and start it back up. This is happening with a 6S Plus and is verified as happening on at least 6 different accessories of various vintage using bluetooth. Has anyone else noticed this after the upgrade to 9.3? Before 9.3 was applied I had never seen this error before. I've also had this happen with at least one headset on my iPad Pro using 9.3 as well. I've done the standard reboot/forget and repair etc. and nothing seems to resolve this issue.
Any advice or confirmation that this is indeed an issue would be appreciated!
iPhone 6s Plus, iOS 9.3