+1 for this post, iPhone become a piece of junk because of untested or faulty updates.
With 9.3 my 6S Plus had work excellent. With 9.3.1 i experienced dramatic battery drain. Overnight batt could drain anywhere between 20 and 40%. Sometimes battery usage look normal showing a background activity 1-20 min for 12 hrs of standby. Somentimes showing 4-5 hrs of back ground activity, for the same period of 12 hrs. No matter of time showed in background activity battery drain the same....
On service they tested the battery and is ok. So it must be the "revolutionary IOS 9.3.1"
I tried reset, hard reset, i delete all my app, i sign out form i cloud, restore with iTunes and restore from backup and set as new. All these on multiple times.
Now i have my set as new, and just logged to icloud for having my contacts on the phone. No app downloaded, no mail active, not signed everywhere but icloud account, just the phone and SIM card. And the battery still drain chaotic. From 88 to 70% in a blink of an eye. If i send SMS of 2 lines battery could drain 5% and so on.
I had all model of iPhone from 3GS but for me 6S Plus is the last iPhone buyed. I will try anthing else but no iPhone. Bye Apple.