icloud photo data stuck on icloud.com
Ok, i am totally lost here. I have been trying everything, but nothing helps. As also told in this threat:
I have 3,76GB of photo and video data listed in my icloud.com account. This happend after i made some videos that resulted in a full 5GB icloud.com account.
So, i deleted EVERY photo and video on my phone and synchronised it. Unfortunately the icloud.com space was not released. It still says 3,76GB in use.
The iPhone has NO photo and video data on it. My iPad also has no photo's and video's on it (also nothing listed in settings/usage).
icoud.com also has no video's and photos when i go to photos. When i look in settings on icloud.com, de bar still says 3.76GB of photo and video data.
When i look on the phone/ipad in settings/icloud there is 3,76GB of photo and video data. But there is really noting to see in the photos app. Also the deleted items is empty.
I do have a couple of shared photo albums that i share with some people, but when i count the data there it is no more then 400MB
When i make a new photo, this photo is synchronised to (and visible on) icloud.com and on my iPad. When i delete it, it is deleted everywhere. So this works fine.
I have tried a lot of things.
- As stated in the thret mentioned above. I have set the tima beck two years, went to deleted photos (nothing there) multiple times. Deletes a new photo and removed it. and set the time back to automatic (today). Tried this multiple times, also with a reset of the iPhone.
- Did a full reset and remove data in the iPhone. In stalled it as a new iPhone, activated icloud and starter icloud photo library. New photo's are synchrnised. Old data not.
- Ended up bying the 50GB icloud package. i now have space enough, but still there is 3,76Gb of photo and video data.
- i have a windows pc with icloud for windows on it. The photo's there are also removed.
- photo's screensaver on my apple tv3 is also disabled/logged out.
So i end up with the conclusion that there is 3,76GB of data stuck on my icloud account and i have no way of accessing it. I do not have some sort of root level accedd on icloud.com for my account. This is really realy irritating.
Who knows a way to get this kind of access so i can delete the 3,76GB of data and recover my icloud storage?
Any help/tips ?
iPhone 6s, iOS 9.3.1