"No service" "Searching..." and sometimes completely blank on top left corner randomly.
Iphone 7 128GB with ATT.
have tried:
- Replacing SIM card
- Reseting phone
- Toggling Airplane mode
- Enable LTE to "data only"
- Updating software
- Updating carrier
Nothing has fixed this issue. I live in Houston, Texas. Cell tower very close to where I live and Service still drops when
i'm at home and stationary. I have talked to ATT support and Everything shows good on their end. I have talked to
apple support and all diagnostics check okay when phone has service but have not been able to explain why service is
dropping randomly. This problem has been occurring for 3 weeks and now seems to have gotten worse. My Iphone 7
hasn't had service for about 5 hours now, longest duration yet. Was hoping to find solutions but I have not found any