Hi Airbon3,
your explanation is not very clear.
I have had this problem as well, when doing update installation to macOS Sierra.
The machine I did the update on happened to be running "Server" and prior to the macOS Sierra update I installed the macOS Sierra Server as this was a prompted update from the App store.
The problem I had was that when I then tried to access the machine post installation via "Apple Remote Desktop V3.8" and Apple's in built VNC Screen Sharing application, I either got black screen or split screen as per your screen shot.
To tried to fix this following instructions from offical Apple documentation: https://help.apple.com/remotedesktop/mac/3.8/
But this did not solve problem and it continued even after doing "kickstart" and rebooting the machine (using SSH to access the machine via command line).
Eventually I resolved the problem by plugging a monitor into the remote (macOS Sierra) machine and rebooted it.
Now I found that I could access the machine via ARD successfully (& VNC) and then in turn ran the Server application via ARD on macOS Sierra machine.
This would not have been possible otherwise, as I needed to have ARD access up and running before I could log into the macOS Sierra and then re-run the Server app.
While this is ok for the purpose of diagnosing and working around the problem, it is not a satisfactory solution as I have a number of mini Mac (5) that are running as servers (some with the Server app, some just running with desktop software and VMWare Fusion to run VM with web servers, databases and other software. These are all sitting in rack and non of them have monitors attached....
I am now delaying doing further macOS Sierra updates pending getting a proper resolution to this problem.
I have not as yet tried to reboot and access the upgraded machine to see if once I disconnect the monitor, it returns to being inaccessible again.
I think this is a bug that Apple needs to resolve. Not sure if they monitor this forum....