I’ve the same issue as most of you here. I have a MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2016) with 2.6 GHz i7, Radeon Pro 450 and 1TB storage. Some days ago I’ve got the LG Ultrafine 22 Inch Monitor. So the GPU is often switching between Intel and ATI, when I go into battery mode. Today I examined the problem with the help of IStatMenu and made some Photos:
1.) Radeon GPU Highside before Reboot (9.73W)

2.) Battery PBus before Reboot (1.43A)

3.) Estimated Battery Lifetime before Reboot (3:59)

4.) Graphic before Reboot (Intel)

Then I rebooted the Mac with power from the charger without Monitor and pull the power plug at 100% battery.
The GPU was on Intel then.
5.) Radeon GPU Highside (0.09W)!

6.) Graphic after Reboot (Intel)

7.) Estimated Battery Lifetime after Reboot (10:18)!

8.) Battery PBus (0.62A)!

Before I've got the Monitor, I already have recognized this power-issue, but I've had no idea to pin this problem down.
So my conclusion of that all is, that under some circumstances, the ATI Graphic did not switch off when switching to the Intel. Maybe it is, when pulling the Monitor (and charging) cable, but here I’m only guessing. There may be many more causes. But I hope, and it looks like, a firmware update can fix this.
Hope that helps a bit. 🙂