What happened to my downloaded videos in iOS 10.2?
I updated to iOS 10.2 on my iPhone 6 and seem to have lost my downloaded videos.
Before I would go to the "Videos" app and look under the 'home videos' button but that's not there anymore. It's not in this new "TV" app either. I can't find any of the TV episodes either that I've downloaded from iTunes.
I plugged in my iPhone to my computer and tried to drag them from my iTunes into my iPhone but nothing happened. In iTunes I looked under Devices-IPhone-Movies, and the movies were listed there but I can't actually find them on my iPhone itself (when I used iTunes to look at my iPhone content, TV episodes and home movies that I've previously put on this iPhone now have a circle with an exclamation mark inside next to them).
If I had to just put my TV shows and downloaded home movies on this iPhone again, that would be mildly inconvenient/tedious but doable.
Can anyone help me get my TV shows I've purchased and my home movies back on my iPhone?