Using iPhone 7Plus on 10.2.1 and 10.2 with AirPods and connected Apple Watch Gen 1. Numerous issues with call quality of voice, robot voice, failed to connect calls, calls that connected but cannot hear on one side or both sides. Testing using both a single AirPods and dual AirPods.
Putting Watch in Airplane mode seemed to remove most if not all of the issues. Prior to this I had restored from backup on both the phone and watch as an attempt to fix as I had no issues with this on another iPhone 7Plus and iPhone 5S, likely due to no watch connected.
I am sending logs to Apple Engineers and hopeful that this will help fix the issue. Until then I plan to consider the public beta 10.3 and possibly just putting watch in Airplane mode during the day when I take the most of my calls. Not the best but definitely love the AirPods, for music and podcasts they are flawless.
iPhone 7Plus - 10.2.1 - Restored from Backup
AirPods 3.3.1
Watch Gen 1 - 3.1.3 - Restored from Backup