Pain in fingers from new MBP keyboard?
TLTR: I think I have developed RSI from the new MBP's keyboard. Is it just me? Tips on how to reduce pain?
I started using the new MacBook Pro 13 about a month ago and use it professionally a lot - around 10-12 hours a day. I type a lot (currently writing up my PhD thesis and doing some coding for a project in my spare time).
Over the last weeks I have developed pain in my finger tips an joints (in particular the right index finger) and I believe it must be from the new MacBook Pro's keyboard. I believe so because nothing else has changed in my work routine and I have previously worked with a MacBook Pro from 2011. The new keyboard has reduced travel distance and it feels more like typing on an iPad with ten fingers for 12 hours a day than it does on a traditional keyboard.
The pain goes so far that I don't want to work anymore (since I cannot work without typing). I also have pain when I use my iPhone, for example. After a bit of research I believe I could have developed repetitive strain injury (but I'm no doctor).
I developed a few workarounds to relieve the constant stress on my fingers: I hooked up an external keyboard (Apple's bluetooth keyboard) and started using my old MacBook when I am home. This has helped and the stress on my fingers seemed to have gotten reduced.
Is anyone else having a similar problem? Do you have advice on how to reduce the pain?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 10.2, null