Ben Seput wrote:
Even just to answer this question, I had to verify my trust in my computer again, which I've done hundreds of times by now, to sign in to
You should get to the bottom of that - why are you having to do this? I'm still on Windows 7, so my experience is not a direct comparison to yours, but if all Windows 10 users were having this issue, we'd know about it here in these discussions. I'm not aware that it's that big a problem. I suggest you start a new discussion on that topic.
Ben Seput wrote:
I'll tell you what, iTunes gets worse and worse over time.
It's certainly not improving, I'll give you that much. One of Apple's greatest failures is that features don't necessarily get removed completely, they simply get moved somewhere else - and consequently hidden, because Apple don't tell us where the feature has been moved to. It's frustrating trying to find them again.
Ben Seput wrote:
Now it's this ridiculous system of playlists and limited categories that can't adapt to things being entered in different ways.
You don't have to create, have, or use any Playlists at all. None.
You can ignore the standard built-in Playlists should that be your choice.
Playlists are for your convenience. Personally I do use them, but not in the "modern way". This modern way is that many people seem to think that everything has to be in a Playlist and that a song cannot be played unless it is. (I've even come across one music programme in which, to play just one song, it has to be in a playlist, of that one song.) There is no such requirement in iTunes or on iPods and iPhones.
I'm not sure what you mean by "limited categories", iTunes doesn't use the term "categories", except as a field that the users cannot modify. Here are the 14 songs in my Library that use Category:

Out of almost twenty thousand songs. (And most of those 14 are Podcasts that I've manipulated {adapted, to use your phrase} into my Songs Library.)
There are several flexible ways to "categorise" your music:
- genre - you can change any song to a different genre and even add your own*
- grouping - you can add your own word or phrase
- comments - again, you can add whatever text you want
You can then use Playlists to further group songs together - so straight away, there's a use for Playlists.
* If you subscribe to Apple Music, that may change the genre back to the one originally allocated, but that's because the user is effectively playing someone else's music.
Back to my example; I have some songs that I would like to be allocated with a second genre, but it's not possible to allocate two genres to a song. To get round this limitation, I type the second genre into the comments field and then create a Smart Playlist that includes all of the first genre and any song with the second genre in the comments field.
For example, the song in this screenshot below:

the song is listed as genre-is-Dance. But I also want it to be in the same list of songs as the Acid Jazz genre. Using my method means that in my Smart Playlist (named Acid Jazz Plus), all Acid Jazz songs and the song Movin' On Up are listed together. But Movin' On Up also appears in the Dance genre as well.
Instead of playing the genre = Acid Jazz (which has only Acid Jazz songs), I play the Playlist = Acid Jazz Plus, which includes Movin' On Up as well.
Here's the Smart Playlist's rules:

Ben Seput wrote:
- I don't doubt that other platforms have their problems, but perhaps they've caught up as Apple's user interface quality has dropped so dramatically.
- All that said, can anyone suggest a music program that is still compatible with iphone?
- Or, in lieu of that, a decent combination of phone/platform? I know a lot of people have good things to say about android.
- You're correct, other platforms do have their own problems. I'm not convinced that anyone else has caught up.
- No, to add music to your iPhone, you need iTunes (or directly from the iTunes Store)
- You have answered your own question in point 1, above. (I have an Android device. My music is on my iPod, not the Android.)
I do use my Android device for all audio-only Podcast listening. Apple's Podcasts app is dreadful.