Itunes not downloading on Windows 10
Whenever I try and install iTunes I keep getting this message.
null-OTHER, Windows 10, Windows PC
Whenever I try and install iTunes I keep getting this message.
null-OTHER, Windows 10, Windows PC
I have the same question. I've tried all three methods, 32, 64 old, 64 exe. get same error message.
What is the error message? What makes you think it is the same as the one the OP neglected to share? 😕
Finally loaded iTunes, but now when I open it the error message is -The file "iTunes library.itl" cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes.
I found how to fix it. Run it in administrator. It will work. I forgot to take out this question. I solved It. It worked perfectly when I did this
It works when you run the setup for iTunes as administrator. Right click on the setup and click run as administrator It works perfectly then.
Yes me to - I think I put something under Zacks reply. Extremely frustrating.....
I have my IT looking into this right now and don't have control of my computer. If they aren't able to figure it out I'll look at your suggestions and respond. Thank you for the assist.
What error message are you getting when you try to install iTunes?
PS. Run as Administrator was used
You're welcome. 🙂
Itunes not downloading on Windows 10