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Music keeps pausing / skipping since updating to iOS11

Ever since I updated to iOS11 (specifically, I'm on 11.0.3 right now) on my iPhone7, my use of Spotify has been completely messed up. The music will just randomly pause or skip to some random place in the song. Sometimes it works fine, and sometimes it will do this so frequently that it's unusable. There seems to be some correlation with movement. For example, it happens a lot when I first stick my phone in my pocket. Sometimes instead of just pausing it will cause Apple Music to start playing. (When this especially annoying feature kicks in, I can usually get rid of it by rebooting.) Often, none of my earbud controls will work, or if they do, the pause button will cause Apple Music to start playing. This is almost certainly an iOS11 issue rather than a Spotify issue because not only did the problem start exactly when I updated, but I noticed that the problem affects apps other than Spotify (though Spotify is the app I used the most by far). Please fix this, because I'm at my wits end. I'm highly tempted to just nuke the phone completely and start fresh.

iPhone 7, iOS 11.0.3

Posted on Oct 25, 2017 8:44 PM

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Posted on Dec 19, 2017 11:34 AM

I also have this problem. As RealVictor said it correlates to getting a notification. I mostly see it happen whenever I get a Snapchat notification, but saying that I have noticed that the music pauses before I get the notification. Please Fix!

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Dec 19, 2017 11:34 AM in response to DL78

I also have this problem. As RealVictor said it correlates to getting a notification. I mostly see it happen whenever I get a Snapchat notification, but saying that I have noticed that the music pauses before I get the notification. Please Fix!


Dec 19, 2017 5:15 PM in response to HelpfulAppleUser

Yes! I have been looking everywhere online to find information about this but no one else seemed to be making this correlation. At first i though it was snapchats fault and complained to them however this doesnt seem to be the case since even though it is mostly during a snapchat notification, it does this even if i dont get any, and if im just listening. This ossue is starting to get extremely annoying, and it seems as if issues like this tend to happen a lot. Before i switched to ios i never had any of these problems so if apple doesnt seem to be getting their **** together then i will likely just switch back as so far i am very disatisfied with the ios expierience


Oct 30, 2017 10:20 PM in response to DL78

I have the exact same issue since I upgraded to recent iOS 11. It’s not the earphones I’ve tried with 4 different earphones. And it also is skipping all audio applications. Such as podcasts, music, audible books. It’s driving me insane. Any ideas how to fix this please?


Dec 19, 2017 6:35 AM in response to DL78

Im experiencing this same issue on the iPhone X. This happens while not connected to bluetooth headphones/speakers aswell. However, i’ve never experienced the the phone playing music by itself. There seems to be a connection between the playback pausing and receiving a notification.


Mar 7, 2018 2:13 AM in response to joshborland

No offense, but I have none of the issues that you are describing, on 2 phones (6S Plus and an 8 Plus). Now if multiple people reported it to Apple via here:

Feedback - iPhone - Apple

you might have more luck. Venting on here doesn't do much justice. Engineers might look at it.


Feb 21, 2018 5:57 AM in response to joshborland

This is the weirdest problem I've had on an Apple device. Here are the specifics I've been able to tie down so far (FYI I'm on an SE):

  • Issues are only present on services with an audio component. So far I have noted music apps, podcast apps, video apps and (oddly) the telephone function. I don't have an audiobook app so I can't test that.
  • All sound apps will skip or speed up. Note - at no point has anything ever gone into rewind, which is odd. Where speed up in unavailable on a video app (where I'm streaming for example) the app will crash and/or initiate Siri.
  • This affects telephony by dropping the call without warning.
  • This only happens whilst connected to an external audio delivery device (i.e. headphones, speakers, etc.). Connection method doesn't seem to matter - can be physical or wireless. When not connected all functions work normally.
  • Only happens whilst the iPhone is moving. For example, my biggest issue is whilst walking. I have found that limiting the movement of the phone works best for stabilising service (i.e. if I put it in a closed pocked of my handbag, the issues will recur with less frequency). However, this doesn't work as well for video apps.
  • Siri will occasionally initiate without verbal command or pressing the home button. There doesn't seem to be a common factor as to why Siri initiates.
  • Since release of 11.2.6 I have lost the ability to control my phone via headphones - either verbally, or via the buttons. Yet I still experience all the issues documented above. In fact the sensitivity to movement seems to have gotten worse.

Context for the above - I use iTunes Match, and don't have local downloads for my music. However, I do download for my Podcasts and regardless of whether the audio is local or streamed, I still get all of the issues noted.

There are too many cross references between OS functions on this issue for any one to be at fault, which indicates to me that this is a fault within the core iOS11 release. I think this is further supported by the fact that none of the patch releases have fixed the problem, and Apple has been suspiciously quiet on the subject.

I have been an Apple user for 10 years, and for the first time I'm looking at Android longingly...


Nov 15, 2017 7:55 PM in response to jade Lamarche

Nope. It's still driving me insane. I really wish Apple would deal with this. It's a horrible glitch. Maybe if more people complain about it here, they'll do something.

Possibly worth mentioning: After updating to 11.1, I have not experienced the problem of Apple Music randomly starting up. But the skipping around still happens. Sometimes I can listen normally, but once the skipping starts, it keeps happening.


Nov 24, 2017 1:50 PM in response to DL78

Having the same issue and it’s so annoying! I had a feeling something like this would happen after the update, had an issue with my iPhone 6 audio when updating to iOS 10. Now after iOS 11 it’s happened with my iPhone 7! It happens most frequently when walking and so I thought it was to do with the headphones and so at times I would wiggle it and it would pause, though sometimes when I did it wouldn’t. Then I played music out of the phone speakers and had the same pausing issues. The mic and buttons on my headphones have stopped working too, though on occasion the pause button on them has worked! Playback also fast forwards as well combined with the pausing makes music unlistenable! Apple need to get this sorted ASAP so frustrating! Wouldn’t be surprised if it was them just causing issues in older models in an attempt to have us pay for the iPhone 8 or X.


Dec 12, 2017 12:10 AM in response to DL78

Same problme here. I thought my iPhone 6 is getting old, but I updated to 7 plus and I’m still experthe problem. Apple Music is just pausing whenever it wants. Hope they’ll fix it within the next updates.


Dec 21, 2017 11:15 AM in response to DL78

Has anyone found any answers to this? I find it happens most often when I am walking. I initially thought my headphones were frayed, but I purchased a new pair and the same thing continued to happen. I then thought it could be the connector used for the headphones, but after seeing several threads on it, sounds like it is the most recent IOS. Very annoying.


Dec 22, 2017 8:06 PM in response to PhieryPhoenix

I have a six plus and this is occurring in my itdunes playlist but only when snowboarding. I did confirm that the material liner of the pocket Will allow me Manipulate the phone. At times it will

Eithther skip or start playing at 2x speed and using the mic controls will not

Stop it. I usually have to reboot the phone. Most frustrating. Thinking of moving to another brand or

Just getting a music only device for snowboard trip



Jan 3, 2018 6:47 PM in response to DL78

This is happening to me too with my iPhone X. When ever I get a notification of any kind my music will stop and not start again until I unlock my phone and turn it on. The same happens when I open any apps while listening to music in the background. It’s incredibly frustrating given that we are on what, iOS 11.2 now? Has anyone found any fixes yet?


Music keeps pausing / skipping since updating to iOS11

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