Here is my story. It started about a week ago. I found my supposed-to-be-sleeping MacBook Air (HS 12.3.3) awake in the middle of the night, green screen with a folder with a flashing question mark. Hard reboot, everything back to normal. From time to time, I started to have wake-from-sleep issues (ie, open the lid, black screen, nothing happens, hard reboot using the power button).
The flashing question mark folder re-appeared almost every night, or in the morning when opening the laptop lid.
Tried everything I found in internet, including PRAM, SMC, safeboot, recoverymode and diskutility, reisntalled combo 10.13.3, installed the recent 10.13.3 supplemental. Nothing works.
Going through console system.log, I found a weird "5 [RE] Reachability changed" as the last entry before the freeze. See these examples:
Feb 21 00:27:35 DZ-MacBookProi5 uc[67]: 5 [UP] Transitioning from 3 to 1
Feb 21 00:27:38 DZ-MacBookProi5[1] ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
Feb 21 00:27:41 DZ-MacBookProi5 uc[67]: 5 [RE] Reachability changed
Feb 21 08:27:38 localhost bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1519198058 0
Feb 21 10:55:45 DZ-MacBookProi5 CheckmateIdleDaemon[117]: The system WILL go to sleep...
Feb 21 10:55:45 DZ-MacBookProi5 loginwindow[122]: magsafeStateChanged state changed old 1 new 2
Feb 21 10:55:46 DZ-MacBookProi5 fud[30895]: objc[30895]: Class MobileAssetUpdater is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileAccessoryUpdater.framework/Support/fud (0x102ec4e10) and /System/Library/AccessoryUpdaterBundles/ApplePowerAccessoryUpdater.bundle/Conte nts/MacOS/ApplePowerAccessoryUpdater (0x102fd28f8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Feb 21 10:55:46 DZ-MacBookProi5 uc[64]: 5 [RE] Reachability changed
Feb 21 11:18:41 localhost bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1519208321 0
Isthat "Reachability changed" entry involved with the freeze? this is the last entry in system.log before the freeze. Anybody seeing the same entry?
As last resort, I tried to disable safesleep.
In /private/var/vm i found a sleepimage file, created on February 15 (when I started to have the issue, but it might be a coincidence).
I disabled safesleep (pmset -a hybernatemode 0), rebooted in recovery mode (CMD+R), disabled SIP (csrutil disable), rebooted, deleted the safesleep file, rebooted in recovery mode, enabled SIP (csrutil enable) and re-booted normally.
System has created a new sleepimage file.
In summary, I removed the old sleepimage, I left hibernatemode on 0. Let's see what happens.