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"iMac Pro" kernel crash

I have a new iMac Pro 8core 32gb ram 1tb SSD and Pro Vega 64

(attached are a usb hub, usb audio speakers, usb trackball, thunderbolt 3 raid with a thunderbolt 2 raid chained to it via thunderbolt 3 to thunderbolt 2 adapter)

I am looking for input

Within the first 8hours I had two kernel Panics but now seem ok...my iMac shut off and rebooted by itself...both logs have {"caused_by":"macos","macos_system_state":"running","bug_type":"210","os_versio n":"Bridge OS 2.0 .....

To note my Logitech software wasn't recognizing my trackball but it worked ...after crashes I unplugged and replugged the trackball and the software was able to see it.

Should I be concerned?

iMac Pro (2017), macOS High Sierra (10.13.2), null

Posted on Jan 9, 2018 7:25 PM

277 replies
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Jan 21, 2018 7:58 PM in response to MFASM

Hey folks I am having exactly the same problem... (iMac Pro 10Core/32G/1TB/56) and it sounds to ME (IMHO) it's the Thunderbolt 3 to Thunderbolt 2 adapters! They just can't take the strain. I have 3 LaCie drives, one black SSD 1TB, 1 3TB LaCie D2 and 1 10TB LaCie D2. And a Synology DS411+ NAS, but that doesn't seem to play into this. Anyway, I'm following through this incredibly useful thread and have turned off Power Nap first. By the way, my support advisor said to boot in safe mode which I did, and I had no issues. Sounds like a 3rd party extension, right? But when you boot in safe mode a bunch of internal settings get reset, and I'm betting Power Nap is one of them! Anyway, will let you know.

But let me ask please??? is anybody having any other strange iMac Pro issues? For me with 10 cores, I wanted to see them perform graphically, so I brought up Activity Monitor, clicked on CPU and then did Command-3 which brings up the individual CPU History bars. Well I ended up with these strange artifacts trampling the display. This only started today! Thanks again.

User uploaded file


Mar 7, 2018 8:18 AM in response to MFASM

I'm having this issue as well. The first occurrence was after the second-most recent OS update. I disabled power nap and unplugged thunderbolt 2-to-thunderbolt 3 adapters (which I had two plugged in). I just installed the most recent update last night (10.13.3) and when I came into work this morning the error came back again.

So I called Apple Support this morning and the agent had me reset the SMC and NVRAM, booted in safe mode, and ran a hard disk first aid. She provided me a case number in case the issue comes back again.

PS. Computer specs attached...User uploaded file


Apr 16, 2018 1:32 PM in response to MFASM

Sorry for this intrusion, but I want to get to this threads followers and contributors... I wanted to say the original iMac Pro hasn't failed in months after removing all the checks in the sleep settings and separating the attached drives.

But something interesting is happening.
I always leave activity monitor running with "Command-3" window showing (the individual processor core / hyperthread bar charts) to gauge the CPU use.
Suddenly, I'm getting these random core spikes showing up.
I didn't screen grab the really busy ones I saw, which I should have done, but here's an example of just a couple spikes.
Not thinking it's the 10.13.4 update, that was back in March.
Any ideas or similar situations?

User uploaded file


May 5, 2018 7:45 PM in response to MFASM

Gee, thanks Apple. That last 2018-001 "Security" update screwed up the fix you put in earlier for the second monitor graphics screwups... so we're actually going backwards here, not forwards... does this look like how a CPU display is supposed to look?

User uploaded file


Jan 30, 2018 10:09 PM in response to Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield

Does it still crash if you just use Wifi and don't use the Ethernet port at all/turn off the Ethernet port in System Preferences -> Network? Obviously that doesn't really help you use the machine the way you need to, but it would be interesting to see if it still gives you panics.

I've tried disabling all Secure Boot functions and disabling Power Nap, and I still get panics. You've tried disconnecting all your Thunderbolt 3 to Thunderbolt 2 adaptors, and you still get panics. The thing you and I are both still using though is the Ethernet port, and from your initial post that seems to be a likely culprit.

I had my Ethernet port manually set to "full-duplex, flow-control" as per another thread (Imac Pro - Crash when copy over 200GB on SMB !?), but I'm going to try turning it off in System Preference -> Network to see if that makes any difference.


May 16, 2018 3:29 PM in response to HappyPappy

For most people that seems to do the trick. Did you do a complete erase and then reinstall MacOS from the macOS Recovery when you boot in that mode. Because I believe that if you just do a restore, you put back everything, including any software errors in the OS. Now funny enough I went about two weeks without a panic error reboot and then got one. I am not sure if this had anything to do with it at all, but I had left Google Chrome open. Since I then I have closed all the browsers including Safari when I am done for the day and I have not had the error again. Here is the link for how to erase and reinstall.

How to reinstall macOS - Apple Support

Also have you ran First Aid from the utilities application and see if you get a crypto val error? If so then you still potentially have something wrong with you OS and erasing and reinstalling should take care of that.


Aug 1, 2018 8:24 PM in response to MFASM

As a few recently mention Apple TB3->TB2 adapter as the probable cause, my situation of kernel panic was also 2018 MBP was connected to the adapter destined to another MBP (2015). Though, I believe it was not during an active transfer. Rather it was in the middle of sleep mode as most users of MBP 2018 experienced.

And MBP 2018 also seems to suffer the panic when only the power source is connected. So the symptoms found in here could be different from MBP 2018's. That said, it seems getting worse - multiple various situations bring Macs down!

Let me link my post in another thread. Also will link this post to that thread for cross referencing each other.

Re: BridgeOS Crashes Happening on 2018 MacBook Pro with TouchBar


Mar 13, 2018 11:37 PM in response to Gerd Kamp

A quick update on my journey so far.

  • Kenrel panics continued (always when i'm away from the computer)
  • was contacted by apple care outreach and phoned several times with them onece they collected the information about the computer and the crash logs i didn't hear back from them
  • Reinstalled the os after running disk repair. This fixed the crypto_val errors i was seeing
  • Removed all 3rd Party Kernel Extensions (two werde file system related: Paragon NTFS and Paragon ExtFS
  • Fewer crashes now, but interestingly no longer any crash reports etc. I just notice that the mac botted while i was awy by seeing the login screen and not the lock screen in the morning. Chrome also tells me that it was shutdown unexpectedly. But no longer any Send a crash report to Apple Pop- UP or panic-full Files at the console level.
  • Still seing a lot of activite in the consoloe log
  • Especially a tremendous amount of warnings from deleted and sandboxd (see below)

fehler 07:35:07.783846 +0100 deleted volume validation failed for <>fehler 07:35:07.784017 +0100 deleted volume validation failed for <>fehler 07:35:07.788226 +0100 deleted volume validation failed for <>fehler 07:35:07.788410 +0100 deleted volume validation failed for <>fehler 07:35:07.792639 +0100 deleted volume validation failed for <>fehler 07:35:07.792800 +0100 deleted volume validation failed for <>fehler 07:35:07.945576 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.945589 +0100 sandboxd Sandbox: deleted(519) deny system-fsctl 0x4a12 [Duplicate; no report will be generated.] fehler 07:35:07.947231 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.947324 +0100 sandboxd Sandbox: deleted(519) deny system-fsctl 0x4a12 [Duplicate; no report will be generated.] fehler 07:35:07.948544 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.948577 +0100 sandboxd Sandbox: deleted(519) deny system-fsctl 0x4a12 [Duplicate; no report will be generated.] fehler 07:35:07.949894 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.949936 +0100 sandboxd Sandbox: deleted(519) deny system-fsctl 0x4a12 [Duplicate; no report will be generated.] fehler 07:35:07.951242 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.951274 +0100 sandboxd Sandbox: deleted(519) deny system-fsctl 0x4a12 [Duplicate; no report will be generated.] fehler 07:35:07.952528 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.952576 +0100 sandboxd Sandbox: deleted(519) deny system-fsctl 0x4a12 [Duplicate; no report will be generated.] fehler 07:35:07.953809 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.953812 +0100 sandboxd Sandbox: deleted(519) deny system-fsctl 0x4a12 [Duplicate; no report will be generated.] fehler 07:35:07.955244 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.955208 +0100 sandboxd Sandbox: deleted(519) deny system-fsctl 0x4a12 [Duplicate; no report will be generated.] fehler 07:35:07.955572 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.955638 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.955701 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.955751 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.955796 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.955841 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.955886 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.955929 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.955990 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.956040 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.956132 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.956216 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.956278 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.956344 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.956387 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.956435 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.956517 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.956586 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.956726 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.956815 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.956900 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.956949 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.956999 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.957047 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.957093 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.957140 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.957190 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.957254 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.957318 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.957396 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.957446 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.957523 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.957619 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.957668 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.957771 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.957876 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.957962 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.958014 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.958106 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.958168 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.958221 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.958312 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.958510 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.958635 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.958760 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584 fehler 07:35:07.958929 +0100 deleted fsctl error: Operation not permitted, using HARDCODED low disk threshold 10737418240 for volume_size: 1000240963584


Mar 28, 2018 5:43 AM in response to sysengr-2

I made some progress - probably somebody could verify if this

helps on other systems as well.

First, I’ve checked how often and when the system rebooted: (terminal)

last reboot

Second, I’ve checked the reboot reason: (terminal)

log show --predicate 'eventMessage contains "Previous shutdown cause"' --last 72h

code 5 is ok, I see mostly -20 but I nowhere found a correct description for this code but for sure it’s an abnormal termination.

Third, I’ve changed energy settings to (within system preferences)

  • disable automatic …. when display is turned off 1
  • hard disk to sleep 0
  • wake for network 0 (Attention – result is that the system can’t be controlled anymore via ARD when in sleep mode etc.)
  • start up after power failure 0
  • power nap 0 (a few otherones wrote this as well)

Fourth, I’ve changed the hibernate mode to 0 (terminal)

(check actual status)

pmset -g

(change to mode 0, Attention: uses a bit more power)

sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0

Attention, I’ve realized whenever changes are made in the energy settings the system switches back to hibernatemode 3

So far (1 day :-))) no crashes / kernel panics anymore


Mar 29, 2018 5:24 AM in response to sysengr-2

I've got them as well - I've tried everything without any success.

Solution was:

  1. make a Timemachine backup
  2. boot in recovery mode
  3. erase / format the system disc
  4. restore from Timemachine

Took me approx. 3 hours but it was worth doing it, because the number of errors increased over time and even if Apple stated they can be ignored plenty of users reported some irrational behavior after running disc repair!

Errors are gone 🙂


Jul 12, 2018 3:37 PM in response to MFASM

Apple just called me with an update. They said that my crash logs show three things that are causing crashes right now. Crashplan, Backblaze, and something called Aladdin HASP.

  • Crashplan is an online backup service.
  • Backblaze is also an online backup service. (I have two because my Crashplan is expiring and I'm replacing it with Backblaze).
  • Aladdin HASP, from what I can tell is a security KEXT installed by some unknown software that is used to ensure it's DRM protected. This could be from Adobe Creative Suite (Apple thinks). But not entirely sure.

I'm in the process of killing all these processes to see if that stops the crashing from happening. But Aladdin HASP doesn't show up as a process. I can probably dig around and find the KEXT to remove, but not sure what it will do to any of my software that I require, and has been working for the last 6 months without these crashes.


Jul 27, 2018 9:05 AM in response to MFASM

I've posted this solution a few month ago - what should I say 2 panics since the modifications. I can highly recommend to give this solution a chance to stop headache. 🙂


First, I’ve checked how often and when the system rebooted: (terminal)

last reboot

Second, I’ve checked the reboot reason: (terminal)

log show --predicate 'eventMessage contains "Previous shutdown cause"' --last 72h

code 5 is ok, I see mostly -20 but I nowhere found a correct description for this code but for sure it’s an abnormal termination.

Third, I’ve changed energy settings to (within system preferences)

  • disable automatic …. when display is turned off 1
  • hard disk to sleep 0
  • wake for network 0 (Attention – result is that the system can’t be controlled anymore via ARD when in sleep mode etc.)
  • start up after power failure 0
  • power nap 0 (a few otherones wrote this as well)

Fourth, I’ve changed the hibernate mode to 0 (terminal)

(check actual status)

pmset -g

(change to mode 0, Attention: uses a bit more power)

sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0


Aug 1, 2018 9:14 AM in response to dicoroberto


  1. Yesterday, the issue (frozen mouse&keyboard, then black screen) occurred when attempting to unzip and install a huge Piano Library via the Continuata Connect app to a Thunderbolt 2 ssd connected via the Apple adapter Thunderbolt 3 > Thunderbolt 2.
  2. Similarly, the issue occurred when attempting to manually unzip at once all the downloaded 31 Sample files (±30Gb) using the Apple Compression Utility.
  3. Today a further test was made unzipping the very same bunch of files, but using the latest version of Stuffit Expander, instead, and saving the extracted files in the Documents folder on the iMac 1Tb flash drive. It seems that Stuffit does not perform a parallel extraction. Anyway, no freeze and/or black screen occurred. The iMac Pro, so far, is rock-solid again.
  4. My best guess (but I'm not an geek at all!) is that there is an issue either with the Continuata software (the latest available version of Connect dates back to 2015: avoid it, just in case) and, possibly, a bottleneck when transferring huge amounts of data via T3-to-T2 external device. But, as I said, I'm not a technician.

To me, now the ball is down to Apple engineers.


Jan 14, 2018 5:06 PM in response to MFASM

I am having the exact same kernel panic problem with my iMac Pro with a 10 Core 64GB RAM 2TB HD and Pro Vega 64 running macOS High Sierra version 10.13.2. I've unplugged all peripherals from the computer and still experiencing the crash. Each time the error log states the same {"caused_by":"macos","macos_system_state":"running","bug_type":"210","os_versio n":"Bridge OS 2.0.

At this point, I can only assume this has to be fixed with a future update to MacOS as I feel it's a bug. I've yet to try wiping my computer and starting over from scratch. Hopefully, a solution to the problem will be released soon!


"iMac Pro" kernel crash

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